10 Things To Teach Your Son About Being A Good Man
Written by Lance Green
Kids these days have brains that work like sponges: whatever you communicate with them and action you show towards them, they will try to mimic and adapt the same ways as you. You have to be careful because what they learn these days is all on you! Our sons all have the potential to grow up and be a good man. Even if we’ve gone through our hardships and never had strong male role models to look up to in life (some aren’t as lucky as others), we as fathers have the responsibility to instill good values that our sons can adapt to. Here are ten things you should start teaching your son now in order to be a good man when they’re older:
To Take Responsibility
Owning up to our mistakes is a big learning curve we all must go through. Our actions will always have consequences so the act of being responsible is never something we should bluff. Our sons deserve to learn the beauty of responsibility and to never underestimate the power of it!
Embrace Vulnerability
We live in a society where a man seen crying or being emotional is stigmatised and we need to stop thinking that this is a sign of weakness. We are all human and are allowed to express how we feel in any situation we go through. Vulnerability isn’t something our sons should be ashamed of. If anything, they should embrace it!
To Be A Respectful Listener
Listening is the greatest asset you’ll ever have and it takes time and patience to be a good one. It’s easier to talk and share advice when it comes to our mates but it’s a different story when we’re trying to hear the concerns of your partner. Being a respectful listener can teach your son how to empathise with other people and to show how powerful it is to be heard by another person.
The gift of giving is beautiful and we shouldn’t expect anything in return when it comes to our own generosity. Our sons need to be taught this so they understand how kindness can deeply affect others in a positive way. Being a man is also about giving back to those that are less fortunate than ourselves so getting involved in community work, charity and offering a helping hand can teach our sons the gift of time.
Showing respect to our family and friends is what our sons should learn first. It also means finding the time to respect themselves and to never underestimate the power of their own actions. If they don’t learn to respect themselves, how will they learn to respect others? Self-respect is another quality a good man has and you shouldn’t be afraid to be clear with your sons when it comes to this.
To Be Trustworthy
Building trust is an important foundation in all relationships. Our sons need to learn that lies and deceit will get them nowhere and it will only lead to bigger problems when it comes to their personal life. Being a trustworthy person will take them far in not only their relationships but also in their professional life too.
Telling the truth can help your son develop the courage to handle challenging situations, especially when it involves being honest with another person. Honesty is another quality that builds a strong and healthy relationship. Even as fathers, we have to set the example of honesty to our sons when it comes to our relationships with our partners. It’s the only way they can learn about what it means to tell it how it is.
Unfortunately, there will be times when your son gets older and you won’t be there to protect them anymore when it comes to potential vices including alcohol, drugs, gambling and illegal activity. You need to constantly keep this in check with our sons because without self-discipline, they will fall into the trap of peer pressure and the expectations they have from their friends. Each decision they make will have consequences so explain the effects of all of the activities mentioned and remind them to not involve themselves in activities they know are toxic. It will give them the chance to realise the beauty of self-discipline and have more control over how they should live life.
Control His Temper
If you have anger problems of your own, it’s important to take initiative in terms of managing your temper and to take care of what you say around the people you care about when you’re in a bad mood. Our sons all look up to us when it comes to our behaviour so it’s important they can manage their temper when things don’t go their way. We understand that frustrations get the best of us, but it’s important to take the wheel and be the bigger person despite our anger. We can’t control the things that change but we sure can change our attitude.
Taking Care of Himself
With family obligations taking place and the pressures of work and other things, we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. Our sons need to learn that self-care is important and one that we can’t ignore. Taking care of our mental and physical well-being does wonders so learning how to do this can help us take better care of the people we love.
Being a good man isn’t easy in a world where there’s evil that can trap us into bad decision-making. Raising our sons to become men of the future can help us realise our own imperfections and to work tirelessly in making improvements on ourselves and the values we want to sustain. Growing in a positive environment and being a good male role model can help our sons be the best people they can be and that’s all we could ever ask for.