Written by Feba Maryann 

This is for all the parents who have repeatedly listened to nursery rhymes for at least 10 times per day while their kid was growing up. 

This may seem insignificant but playing music for your kids from a young age has a huge effect on their overall development. 

“How?”, you might ask. 

Keep reading, you will eventually figure it out. 

1. Fosters Cognitive Development 

Think about the time you taught your kids their ABCs, can you imagine how hard it must have been without the help of the song?  

Or is it easier for you to recall the elements of the periodic table or the lyrics of Lionel Richie’s “Truly”? 

In short, our brain tends to retain information presented in the form of music better than the ordinary way. According to recent research, children who were exposed to music from a young age did better academically than those who were not. It also helps develop fine and gross motor control. Simple sounds like clapping and tapping help ignite brain and body coordination. Music stimulates the limbic system of the brain which is responsible for memory power and emotional intelligence.  

2. Develops Confidence 

While growing up, many children find it hard to adapt socially. Encouraging them to learn an instrument or joining a choir help them develop social skills. It will also boost their self-esteem and confidence. Once they get really good at an instrument, they will always be confident in the abilities they developed throughout the years. They will also be able to work in a team, listen to instructions, empathise with other kids and how to accept appreciation. Working with others to create beautiful music will help them realise the value of teamwork and patience.  

Music can also soothe the brain, calming music can decrease anxiety in many cases. Researchers have found that music impacts brain functioning in the same way as meditation. Positive changes in the cortisol levels of a person were observed when listening to music during a research. You can inculcate pitch and rhythm by humming or singing to your children. 

3. Ignites Creativity 

According to a research, it was found that the brain of a musician works differently than of a normal person.  

Music-making needs both parts of the brain to work together. Hence, the corpus callosum which is the neural bridge of the 2 hemispheres of the brain becomes stronger. Young musicians tend to have a larger corpus callosum than others. Music also helps people with brain function disorders like ADHD. Hence, music can be used as therapy for children as well as adults. Music can also be a method your kids could use to express themselves. Musical activities like music composing and singing can be a platform for your kids to express their true selves.  

Now that your convinced that music will immensely help your kid’s progress in the long run, here are a few fun ways to add music to your everyday schedule: 

  • Visit an Opera house or a musical concert. 
  • Always have karaoke tracks in your car, so that you will be able to entertain your kids wherever you go. 
  • Bring music to your everyday activities like when you take your family pet for a walk or when they brush their teeth.  
  • You could write songs with fun lyrics and beats with your family. You could be amazed at how creative your little ones can get. 
  • Sing songs after your bedtime storey routine before you tuck them in. 
  • Consider buying a karaoke machine for you to have fun belting to your favourite songs with your family. 
  • Use music while teaching them difficult topics that need to be memorised like the names of the planets or the names of the states of Australia. Involve them while you make the lyrics so that they become more interested 
  • Encourage them to learn a new instrument or to join a singing group. 
  • Set up a music area in your home filled with instruments your kids love so that your kids can play music whenever they want to. 

All in all, music should play a major role in all of our lives. It lifts our spirits and puts a smile in our faces. Music can enrich our kids personal and social lives. With all the benefits I listed above, what are you waiting for? Get ready to unleash your musical spirits and dance to your favourite songs with your kids.