While it might feel like summer holidays have only just begun, the school bells are just around the corner and there are loads of parents tossing up whether now is the right time to get their child a mobile phone.
8 years of age is that sweet spot, where your child has just started to gain their own independence, but they may sometimes feel a little too young for their first mobile.
Here are five reasons you should consider getting your 8-year-old a mobile…
Safety & Security
The most obvious of them all, a mobile provides a safety net in terms of opening a line of communication between you and your child at all times. You can rest easy knowing that they are only a call away! With today’s technology, GPS tracking is also available on most smartphones, so if you wish to keep track of your little tyke, you have the relief of knowing where your child is, at all times.
School drop off or after school activities can be a nerving time for loads of parents, saying goodbye to your little ones before they commence a whole day without communication or contact. Getting a smartphone for your kid brings an extra sense of security when you are unable to reach them whilst they are with friends or at school. That extra line of connection can sometimes help bridge the gap if school pick up changes due to a last-minute emergency, or when your child isn’t sure who is picking them up that day.
Comfort For Your Child
Growing up can be a daunting time for kids, as they begin to mature and grow independent, it is important that they always feel safe and comfortable. By having a smartphone, your child can eliminate the stress and fear they may face in an uncomfortable situation. While it is reassuring for parents to be able to contact their child, kids also feel more secure knowing that their parents are a phone call away.
Introducing Safe Practices And Healthy Habits With Technology
Let’s face it, technology is all around us and is a super important part of day to day life. Introducing mobile technology at a young age is not always a bad thing for a few reasons. The first; it’s not as much as a novelty once your child hits high school and is likely to get distracted by it later down the track. It also gives you the chance to introduce healthier phone habits, such as only using it when it’s really needed, and avoiding distracting apps such as games or social media. There are a whole bunch of software systems that can help you stay in control of what your child views, or can download on their phone, such as FamilyZone.
The Responsibility Factor
It is common for a child to ask for an expensive present for Christmas or their birthday, which they might noy be interested in the following year. By gifting your kid a smartphone, it comes with an added responsibility and teaches them how to value and look after an expensive product. There may be a risk that your child might not bring the phone home in one piece, but they need to learn to take care of the smartphone as it is a valuable possession.
The Affordable Mobile – Alcatel 3X
When you think about actually purchasing your child’s first phone, you often think of the jaw-dropping price tag attached to it. The good news is, this doesn’t always have to be the case. The Alcatel 3X smartphone is a great mid-range, reliable option that has all the cool features of a top-end phone, at less than half the price.
With 64GB of storage, a triple rear camera plus FaceKey and fingerprint security, your kid can enjoy all the benefits of a new phone. It’s a must have for kids who love to Instagram, stream movies, play games and browse the web, with its HD+ Super Full View display. Furthermore, the best-in-class photo capabilities are demonstrated through its super wide-angle lens, which spans 102 degrees, and its real-time bokeh, providing users the ability to take fun and artistic photos.
The Alcatel 3X is available from JB Hi-Fi for $299.
A Phone Alternative – TCL MOVETIME Family Watch
If you’re not quite ready to give your child their first phone, but still want to stay connected, you could consider a kids smart watch. The TCL MOVETIME Family Watch is a great option for those kids that can’t yet handle the responsibility of a smartphone and the perfect gateway for parents to introduce connective technology to their child without the worry of social media and the “internet nasties” that are associated with owning a smartphone. With the MOVETIME Family Watch, parents can keep in contact with their children via direct two-way calling, video calling, photo-sharing and messaging on its single touch point display.
It is packed with elements to provide parents with peace of mind whilst their kid is at school through geofencing and geolocation features. Customisable geofencing of the school can be conveniently created on the watch and notifications will be sent if your child leaves those areas. Additionally, the watch encourages an active lifestyle through its pedometer feature, allowing children to track steps, calories burned, and distance walked. They can compete in activity rankings with friends and set new goals, while parents can “like” children’s daily activities to give motivation and encouragement.
The TCL MT40 Kids Watch is available now for $199 from Big W in pink or blue.