• The Mummy Blogger: One Day At A Time

    By Sheree Echlin Mummas, how often do you take time to do something for yourself? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Or is the real answer rarely or in fact never?! We spend so much time focused on the little people in our lives we often forget about ourselves. Am I right?! I can’t remember the last time I was able to shower in peace or even just a moment of silence to duck into the toilet unnoticed. It’s like the kids can sense you have disappeared and seek you out to wreak havoc once to make sure you know you’re alive. I love my girls and I often say I wouldn’t change…

  • The Mummy Blogger: Fun and Games

    By Sheree Echlin “Was that water, wee or dribble I just stepped in?!” It’s a regular thought in my house these days with my youngest dribbling absolutely everywhere or deciding her drinks are better all over the floor and my eldest FINALLY warming to the idea of toilet training. It is still very much hit and miss but yay to making progress! It’s funny the things you chalk up as wins once you become a parent. Five years ago I would be super stoked with finishing a story before deadline or getting housework done to free up the weekend (oh those were the carefree days). Now I pretty much high…

  • The Mummy Blogger: Fleeting Moments

    By Sheree Echlin “One, two. If mummy gets to five, there will be trouble. Three. I mean it, you don’t want to find out. Four. Only one more number to go, quick move it. Five!” And most times they scramble quicker than the syllables of the word bounce off your tongue. I love using empty threats and promises to my advantage some days and then other days it’s a whole other story. I’ve only got a three-year-old to mostly deal with so far, her one-year-old sister barely knows where her own face is, let alone why mummy is yelling numbers and pointing at random objects. I’m still trying to work…

  • The Mummy Blogger: Boundaries… What Boundaries?

    Written by Sheree Echlin There was a time when I thought I had complete control. Over anything and everything. I always turned up on time or actually early for appointments, catch ups and just about every other gathering. Leaving the house was simple. A night out was easy and rather quick to organise, even at the last minute. Planning was….well there was no fuss really…to me anyway! And then….I had children. Everything changed. Not all necessarily in a bad way but I have definitely altered the way I do things. Leaving the house tends to happen in a mad, yelling rush about shoes, nappies and of course running late! Organising…

  • The Mummy Blogger: Learning The Hard Way

    By Sheree Echlin Do you ever sit and think (yeah I know that’s rare enough as a mum!) what the hell am I doing?! How am I doing this mum thing? Three years in and I’m still winging it…on a daily basis. There is no instruction manual, no rule book and every child is so different that even if you think you have some idea of how to handle a situation based on your other children, you are usually so far off the mark you don’t stand a chance! In other words, as parents we are forever going to be up the proverbial creek without a paddle! I may look…

  • The Mummy Blogger: Living The Moment

    I often enough wonder how I’m doing as a mum. Am I good? Bad? Somewhere in the middle? Miraculously great maybe? Haha! But in all honesty does it really matter? Why am I bothering trying to work out if I’m any good when my kids are stuck with me anyway?! Poor darlings (insert evil laugh here). They never stood a chance, haha! Of course I’m always going to question my worth in everything I do. I swear it’s built into my DNA. I am my own worst enemy with everything I do! (Yes my dearest darling husband I see you nodding your head)! We are all busy trying to outdo…

  • The Mummy Blogger: Defining Moments

    I swear every day has been one of those days. You know where it feels like the whole world is against you? Nothing goes right, everything that can go wrong, does and there are absolutely no positive vibes to be found. Throw in a couple of whingy kids and things get super epic. Okay, so maybe it isn’t quite that bad, but I feel a little broken at the end of some days. What keeps me going is the little voice of reason. “It’s okay mummy” is whispered in my ear while Miss Izzie pats my shoulder as I prepare to lose it for the billionth time in a day.…

  • The Mummy Blogger: The Guessing Game

    Written by Sheree Echlin FOR SALE or going cheap, one soon to be “threenager”. Some basic training but could be great with traffic direction or even mime as she has perfected the stop sign with her hand! The joys of toddlers; angelic one minute and mini-devils the next. Some days it leans more towards one than the other and I like to clean the house with lots of vacuuming (also known as “disappear”) on those days, usually when daddy is home too (wink wink). I am really starting to appreciate my mum more as my children grow. Not that I never appreciated her before but more towards viewing her in…

  • The Mummy Blogger: Small Minds in a Big World

    Written by: Sheree Echlin A look of wonder and amazement crosses her face as the bubbles float towards her. The magic lasts a split second before my energetic toddler starts yelling “pop, pop, pop…. more bubbles mummy” all while giggling hysterically. It’s a moment I’ve now etched into my memory bank, watching my beautiful little girl enjoying a carefree moment, a sight that is almost too rare these days. Never underestimate the power of bubbles. Especially when it comes to children. Mind you I do have a bit of fun myself. It’s easy to see how the little humans in our lives view everything in the simplest of ways. The…

  • The Mummy Blogger: Words can bite

    Written by: Sheree Echlin “You stinky mummy”. Well that’s what my lovely toddler has told me a few times recently. I’ve proceeded to sniff under my arms and reply with “no I don’t”. But of course she has to wrinkle up her nose in disgust and repeat her statement again.  Either that or she walks around sniffing the air and asking what smells. Feeling a little self conscious and retreating back to my teenage years, I tuck my arms closer to my sides, knowing full well I don’t smell but hey if a toddler speaks, it must be the truth right?! It’s amazing how easily the little people in our…