A Dose of Truth
Written by Sheree Echlin
All I am is a personal maid. Clean. Wash. Pick up toys. And the rest of course! There’s always something that needs doing for my charges….um I mean my children. “Mummy I want my water….right now”. Well try to use your manners and maybe it might happen. “Mummy get out of the way, I can’t see the TV. Mummy do this, mummy do that”. Grrrrrrrr! Mummy might just have to disappear and then see what you can achieve for yourself my little darlings (said through gritted teeth of course). But oh no if mummy even steps out of sight the world ends! I’m still trying to remember what going to the toilet on my own feels like! I know it will all stop eventually and I’ll be wishing for these times back but sometimes it’s hard to see the light at the end of what feels like a very long tunnel.
I’ve discovered I’m also a chair, trampoline, anything to sit, stand or walk on really. I have bruises in places I didn’t know I could get them in until I realise why: children! I just keep repeating “I love my children, I love my children”. I really do! Cross my heart. But you all know what it’s like, one bad day…or several…easily wipes out a lot of good ones. Those days where everything just gets on your nerves and you swear if they say mummy one more time you’ll go off your rocker?! Maybe I need more chocolate and wine again.
I still contemplate running out the door when things are really epic. Mess everywhere, children crying for what appears to be no real reason, you know crying “just because”. When every meal you serve up isn’t good enough for the fussy little sh….I mean eaters. What don’t they eat? More like what will they actually eat??! All the bad food they can imagine most of the time, but if it’s deemed good for them, watch out. And if you ask them to do something so simple as pick up a toy but that’s all too hard and the world ends!! Breaking point really starts to kick in.
But then you have to remind yourself, or at least try, that you are mummy and more often than not the kids really don’t know any better. Or do they?! I’m just kidding, well for my two anyway. You be the judge of your own terrors, turds or whatever you like to call them. Angels if you wish. But if you think your kids are angels, we (mums everywhere) all hate you. Seriously though, what is your secret because I think we’d all love to know! Ignore them? Give them everything all the time? Let them run the house maybe? Ha they already do anyway.
On a serious note though being a mum isn’t always fun or full of glamour. There are days you will not like your kids. Don’t lie, you know it’s true. I’m not saying you won’t always love them but there are times when they tick you off so much, you’re just done with them. Does it make you a bad mum?! Definitely not, it makes you human! If you want to walk around and pretend you’re the best mum ever, I salute you and then I’d probably feel like smacking some sense into you, haha! There is too much pressure these days to conform to the idea that everything is perfect all the time, especially if you’re a mum. I’m happy to admit I’ve been through my fair share of really bad times. And it’s okay to admit you’re not coping. But if you can avoid it, don’t let everything get on top of you, unless it’s a “stacks on” with your kids of course. And I wonder where all my bruises come from, haha!
On that note, I would also like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best this festive season. I hope you enjoy good times with family and friends however you choose to celebrate. Remember it’s not all about the presents (well it kind of is especially for the kids, right?! Wink wink) but about spending time together. Oh screw it, it’s really about the presents….just kidding.
As always, the fun of parenting never stops, so feel free to follow more of the adventure at shereeechlin.com.