All About Having a Healthy Pregnancy

By Cara Barilla

In the midst of a pregnancy in 2017 we are constantly being overwhelmed by television commercials, magazine advertising, social media and other means of influencing your surroundings, consumption, mood and routine during your pregnancy. Whether it’s what you wear, how you eat, what and when you are consuming, what activities you are partaking in and how to go about everyday life is extremely crucial to balance a healthy pregnancy in a mental, emotional and physical way. Here are some healthy tips and tricks to not only sustain healthy wellbeing in a pregnancy, but to do so with ease, natural development and without breaking the budget.

Drink plenty of water: Hydration is the effortless key to all things balancing and sustainability in your body; Not only does it release out tension, manage disease, a strong preventative of all toxic sickness, but it is a valuable medicine during your pregnancy. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day will aid in mental clarity, fluid retention, morning sickness, weight gain and keep you hydrated and your energy levels high. A good amount of water also aids in healthy circulation.

Eat Lots Of Natural Foods: A lot of unhealthy side effects and disease in pregnancy all leads to poor diet and ill consumption. During your pregnancy ensure you are eating nutritious rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, water, fish, nuts and grains. Try and stay away from sugar as much as possible as there is zero nutritional value in it at all and can lead to negative healthy defects in babies if too much sugar is consumed. Keeping a nutri-bullet or similar kitchen appliance which blends your health foods can be helpful to balancing a well-balanced intake. Please visit your dietician, nutritionist, obstetrician and health food professional for safe personalized alternatives during pregnancy.

Keep Your Body Moving: Exercising or going for a short walk for at least half an hour each day is extremely vigorous and balancing for both yourself and your growing baby. This will unite blood circulation in accordance to the positive flow it is created to circulate to, accumulate beneficial endorphins to aid in energy, strength and will de clutter your mind if you feel “foggy minded” from time to time.

Exercise Your Mind: It’s important to stimulate your mind with reading, board games, puzzles, or other problem solving and mind energizing games. During pregnancy, you will hear the term “baby brain” a lot, this is caused by your frequent hormones re adjusting & poor circulation around the head which commonly occurs during pregnancy. If you feel not very clarified mentally you should take out a book, learn something new, take up a mini course online or open up a “puzzle app” on your phone to re-stimulate your mind. A well-adjusted mind also benefits in preventing post-natal depression. It’s very healthy to keep your mind off the little unimportant things.

Stimulate Happiness: Keep your energy levels at a positive frequency. Whether you get a “reiki healing” watching a “feel good” movie or doing something fun and self-indulgent with loved ones. Keeping your spirits high is crucial for al rounded positive health for yourself and the new baby.

Dress Comfortably: Dressing comfortably will not only make you feel good, but you will aid in positive blood flow, prevent edema, keep the oxygen flowing through your body and will prevent congestion. If you don’t dress comfortability you will feel tight, congested, light headed, possibly dizzy and in some cases of pregnancy faint. It’s best to keep your body breathing and relaxed during this special time.

GP Checkup And Balancing: Whether you feel light headed, losing or gaining too much weight, feel like you have too much nausea etc.; your general medical practitioner will guide you to the right medical direction for a safe and healthy pregnancy. Always keep a record of your pregnancy tracking to measure if you have any deficiencies or imbalances.

In all cases the fundamental cause of disease and complications in any pregnancy is due to imbalance. As long as you keep your mind, bodily and emotional state at a healthy level you will see that you have managed the common pregnancy aspects with a positive natural base with great intent and sustainability for your new growing baby. If you feel at all that you are having troubles managing your mental physical or emotional health, make sure that you seek help from a loved one or professional.    It’s important to keep your overall health up on track during this special time.