By Sheree Hoddinett
My girls are my world. They are the reason I scored the label of Mum/Mummy/Mumma/Mumma Bear, the list goes on really. I will forever be grateful (on a good day of course!) that they both chose me to be their mum. Although everyday should be a celebration of being a mum (haha, we wish), I do look forward to Mother’s Day every year. I love seeing what my girls have created for me at school, the little treasures they have purchased at the stall and how they go out of their way to make me feel super special. It’s so cute! It’s only one day, but it’s an amazing day and one that truly captures the sacrifices anyone who fulfils the role of “mum” takes on. It’s not always an easy or rewarding role, but it is one I’ve learnt to become proud of as I watch my babies grow up.
As I approach my 8th Mother’s Day, I’ve been doing a bit of, shall we say, reflection, on how I see myself as a mum as well as the outcomes and events we (my girls and I) take on regularly. I’m sure you can pretty much picture yourself in the same scenario or situation. If I gave my fully honest opinion, it would likely go above a PG rating, so I’ll do my best to keep it in line, haha!
- My children have taught me what it means to love someone unconditionally and wholeheartedly, even when they are driving you up the wall.
- I’m constantly learning about the world, in so many unusual ways. I hear multiple stories every day, quite often at bedtime! I think I say go to sleep about 50 times every night! So you could I’ve also learnt a lot about keeping my cool, or at least trying to.
- Hunger is all day, every day, no matter how much food they seem to consume! I can’t keep up and yes they always eat more than me! I wish I was as skinny as they are! I look at food and that’s it, game over.
- Someone will always need to go to the toilet, even after you have asked everyone at least 5 times BEFORE leaving the house. And it’s once you’re in the car, that the offender always NEEDS to go right now! Yep I’ve stopped on the side of a highway before, I’m that parent, haha!
- No one can ever agree on watching the same show or reading the same book together. Sigh.
- You can’t keep everyone happy all of the time, no matter how hard you try. Especially as they start to get older and their personalities become more defined.
- I do argue with my kids too much. I also swear at them way too much as well. I call it resilience and character building, haha! Sadly, they now know these words well and are under strict instructions not to use them anywhere, especially school! I don’t think I’ll win Mother of the Year on that one!
- I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve said no but given in anyway, just to keep the peace. Total face palm moment.
- They know more than they let on or you realise. Kids are crafty and manipulative when they need to be. So pretty much all the time!
- Lastly, but certainly not least by any means, my kids are honest. Brutally honest when they need to be. Apparently it’s a character trait they picked up from their mumma. I’ve been told many times over the years it’s both a good and bad quality to possess. I figure at least you’ll always know where you stand with me and now my kids too it would seem!
On that final note, I’d like to take this opportunity to salute all mums, step mums, step-in mums, dads who take on the dual role, grandparents and everyone else who makes sure kids have someone in their lives who is a mum role model of some kind, you are all amazing. Of course, I must pay homage to my own mum, who has been there for me more times than I can count and who I will always have the utmost respect for, even if I don’t show it. Happy Mother’s Day! Here’s hoping the thoughtful gifts are well worth the wait, haha!
To see more of my tips, hints and well, failures at parenting and possibly life in general, visit my blog www.shereekim.com. Until next time…