Avoiding Stress as a First Time Dad
Written by Lance Green
Congratulations! You’re going to be a dad. While this may be scary (yet exciting) news, it can also be a stressful experience at the same time. You’re obviously carrying more weight on your emotions than usual and you realise that your world is going to change as you know it.
While you’re anticipating your partner’s pregnancy and the months seem to fly by, the anxiety might kick in and the process of overthinking can start. How do you avoid stress up until this moment where your partner gives birth? Here are a few tips to consider, which may lessen the stress of being a first time dad…
Consult a financial planner
Having children is one of the biggest investments you’ll have in life. Whether you’re well off or have a medium-sized income, it’s important to have a savings plan in place, so once your child is born, you won’t have to worry about the recurring expenses for a while.
Nappies, prams, cots and clothing really do add up and the last thing you want is to stress over your finances. If you have trouble saving and you’re not sure where to cut costs, consult a financial planner and see what they can do to help you in terms of budgeting. Money should be the least of your worries right now.
Get involved during the pregnancy process
Whether it means going to the ultrasounds with your partner or taking prenatal classes with them, it’s important to be involved during the pregnancy process from the very beginning. Showing that you care for the baby and your partner can really go a long way, especially if you have had to deal with their mood swings and weird cravings at times! This will put your mind at ease because you don’t want to cause problems with your partner and not be helpful during the journey. You need to pitch in too!
Know who to turn to when you need support
Although you’ve kept your cool for a while, maybe some days you just need to vent about your worries and fears for your child once they are born. Make sure you keep in touch with the people you know are there to support you. Whether it’s your family or closest friends, having insightful conversations with the people you care about can really help ease the stress levels. They can help you keep calm and straighten your perspective when it comes to being a first time dad.
Think about what type of father you want to be
Whether you had a good or bad relationship with your father, it’s important to think about what type of father you want to be once your child is born. It’s really up to you whether or not you want to follow the traditions of your parents or if you want to do things differently.
As you embark on the journey of parenthood for the first time, you will learn a lot. You will make mistakes but they will provide an important lesson for you to do better next time. Reflecting on the past and having an idea of what father you want to be can help you stop overthinking and to just do your best.
Communicate with your partner
Getting through the pregnancy period will be a tough challenge for you and your partner, so it’s important you have an open line of communication with each other. Communication is key when it comes to relationships, so the last thing you want is to strain it and destroy the foundation of trust you’ve already built.
If you decide to go somewhere for the night, tell your partner so they don’t get worried. If they need help with something, do it for them. Learning to trust and openly talk to each other can really help you and your partner be on the same page when it comes to your relationship.
When the water breaks, that’s when you’ll know that the journey of parenthood is right around the corner. The last thing you want is to feel stressed during the moment where you’re supposed to feel joyous and excited for the occasion. Stress is an inevitable part of life sometimes because it helps us keep motivated for the things we want. Just remember that you aren’t perfect and sometimes you can’t avoid it.
Along the way, everything will make sense and you will feel so thankful to even get the opportunity of having your own child. Being a father is a rewarding role that you will take on for life and your child will be the one to look up to you when it comes to your values, the wisdom you have and the love you can offer when it comes to providing and taking care of the family. Nothing will ever match up to that.