Written By Feba Maryann
Going back to school means going back to normal, but this time, it’s not just normal, it’s going to be a ‘new normal’. Contemplating our new mechanism to fit the bill just right, could be quite a racking task, but with these simple and easy tips to keep in mind, you are ready to hit the road.
Do The Little Things Right:
A prime juncture in the line of events caused by the pandemic has made us realize the significance of things that we considered to be trivial.
And that goes by saying, that having spent all year making ourselves more aware of the symptoms and precautions, it is paramount that we put action into these slightest of efforts too.
Things like wearing masks properly, washing our hands the right way, and most commonly, not touching the face too often can go a long way for prevention.
Enquire Your Concerns:
Make sure that there is clarity, on all possible fields of concern like:
- How are classrooms, mess facilities, and all social gathering spaces arranged?
- Will school transport (if any) be available, if so, will it be running at 50% capacity?
- How is the institution going to monitor the traces of any suspect cases or symptoms?
- Is there any universal masking policy that requires all to comply with it?
- What are the changes going to be regarding the extracurricular activities?
- How have cleaning routines and methods of the school improvised?
- How is the consumption and handling of shared equipment going to be zeroed?
- What are the measures going to be taken if any student or staff falls sick?
Apprehend The Safety Measure That Is Being Implemented
Classroom education calls for the presence of your children in every activity to fortify their learning process, which also means the assembly of children into groups becomes quite inevitable. Therefore, with this comes a greater level of perils.
Hence, make sure that your child’s educational institution conforms to all the safety measures prescribed by the public health officials. Colleges and schools would thus be required to reach out enterprisingly.
Pay Attention To Your Child’s Concerns
A new set of events lead to a chain reaction of consequences, that can be quite hefty for your kids to come by. With this, anxiety becomes an underlying issue, and most of the time, not addressing it diligently can have serious repercussions.
If your child feels a strain, in pursuing tasks like increased homework or even facing a friend crisis, do not dismiss the problem, and listen carefully.
Coping with these challenges is possible only with the guidance and reassured support of a parent. Since this is a topic that can have other underlying factors that may stop your child from opening up, it remains a parent’s responsibility to talk about it, in case it has not been discussed.
Mandatory Scheduling Of Medical Assessment Camps
Medical camps may seem like provisionary steps to make sure that the wellness of the students is kept intact. But, by going with facts stated from research, it can prove to be much more rewarding, annually.
When children are being assessed under the supervision of medical professionals, the following are to be kept in mind:
- The mandatory procedure of thermal scanning.
- An imperative approach to social distancing.
- Mandatory usage of clean masks by all.
- Medical equipment used for one person to be immediately disposed of after use.
- Repeated cleaning of all rooms used throughout, for examination, isolation, etc.
You cannot control everything, but what you can do is have a check-up, to help you understand where things can go wrong. The fledgling period of your child’s resumed offline education, calls for continuous assessment in terms of immunity, physical, and mental health.
Go With Your Gut
Not every child is the same, nor is the situation they come from. So, it is totally fine if you do not wish to take a chance by letting your children resume their classes offline. Distance learning solutions, like online learning platforms, thus, enable you to trust your parental instinct because the world is fighting a pandemic, and survival is the need of the hour.