Written by: Lance Green

More and more Dads are realizing how important it is bond with their little ones way before they can walk and kick around a ball. It is possible to start bonding with your little one from day one. For mums the bonding may be quite a bit easier, especially if they are breastfeeding as they get the skin to skin contact while nurturing baby from their own bodies.  Some mums express to allow Dad to feed baby using a bottle, but some mums would prefer that no bottles are involved at all.  So how do you bond without a bottle? 

Get a baby carrier! There is no reason you can’t carry baby after mum has finished the feed or at any other time. Baby is kept close to your body. They get to know your smell, the sound of your voice and simply just hang out with you. You can still walk around, watch TV or do a myriad of other activities that are safe to do with a baby strapped to your front. The bonus is that this allows you to be hands free while still spending quality time with your little one. 

Bath with baby. Run just enough water to allow you to lay baby in very shallow water on your legs. This lets you talk to baby, wash them gently and just spend time together. You can do this right from the start until baby is much older. Toddlers also enjoy playing in the bath with an adult and it is a quick and easy way to get them clean while spending time together. This time also gives mum a much needed rest. If you prefer not to put baby in the bath with you, you can still do the bathing ritual with baby every night, giving you some quality time together. 

Play together.  Baby will need floor time to learn how to move and to strengthen their little bodies. Get down on the floor with them. Play with your little one. Peek-a-boo, talking, singing, tickling or even reading to baby is a great way to spend time together. As they start moving around, they will enjoy climbing on you, rolling around on the floor, playing with you and simply spending some happy times together. Try and limit the play time to at least an hour before nap or bedtime to avoid getting baby too wound up to sleep.  

Change the nappies. Yes you can! You do not have to treat nappy changes as a chore and something to be feared. This is part of raising a little one. Spend the time you are changing baby in making eye contact, talking to baby while making your little one a lot more comfortable. Mum will also appreciate your help in this department! No, your nose is not more sensitive. You can do the wet nappies and the poopy nappies and see it as a bonding opportunity. 

Take baby for a walk. If the weather is good, give mum a break and take baby for a walk. Make sure you have the basics with you for 30mins outside of the house, but make sure baby has been fed and changed and is comfortable before you set off. You can choose to put baby in a carrier or sling for the walk, but a pram or stroller is also a good idea especially as baby gets a little older and wants to look around and learn. It may seem a little daunting at first if you haven’t been completely on your own with baby before, but you will grow to cherish the time alone together. Baby is also a really good listener and will enjoy listening to your voice as you tell stories or just talk about your day.  You can be the one who shows your little one their first bird, first butterfly, first rainbow. There are many firsts, so get involved and share them with someone who will be looking at the world with brand new eyes. Point out things and name them to help your baby’s cognitive development. You might even get to hear the first word! 

Learn baby massage. Babies love skin on skin contact. Giving them a rub down with lotion after the bath is a wonderful way to spend some time bonding. A light massage before bed can also help babies and infants relax before sleep. Find the time to spend at least 10 minutes a day in light infant massage to soothe your baby and encourage further bonding with you. 

Talk, read and sing: You don’t have to have a fantastic voice! You don’t have to be able to carry a tune! Baby will love hearing your voice. It is familiar and comforting. You can incorporate the singing into learning and playing later on when baby is a bit older as well. Keep your voice low and soothing and simply just spend the time focusing on your baby. Get some baby books and read to baby if you don’t know what to talk about or don’t want to sing. Just hearing the sound of your voice will help baby feel safe and comforted.  

You don’t need a bottle to bond. Your baby simply just needs your time and attention. There are many ways you can get involved with caring for your baby. Give your partner a little bit of rest while you spend quality time with your little one. Bonding early will bear bigger dividends along the way as your little one becomes an integral part of your family. Be an involved Dad and reap the love and appreciation from your children while enjoying the privilege of watching them grow!