One thing that happens when you give birth to your little bundle of joy is that you embark on this whirlwind crazy journey that’s called parenthood.  In most cases, you’ll be overwhelmed by the instant love and bond you feel for your baby and your desire to provide them with the best of everything that is within your means is overpowering.

After baby’s birth, the midwives will encourage you to breastfeed your baby.  It is truly an amazing moment, when you realise that your body is not only capable of growing a tiny little human, but it’s also able to nourish them!

Now we all know that breast is best, however in some cases, it’s just not humanly possible. Mothers that experience not being able to breastfeed in those early days, can end up carrying a lot of guilt about why it wasn’t possible.  There are many reasons you may not be able to breastfeed, from not being able to establish a healthy breast milk supply, or maybe a medical reason which might include taking medication or undergoing a medical treatment that would be unsafe for baby to breastfeed. Whatever the reason, it’s ok and is also very common and at the end of the day as long as baby is being nourished, fed is best.  It is always recommended to consult your health care professional before moving on or transitioning from breast feeding 

So, what happens when breastfeeding just doesn’t work for you?  You’ll have to start your baby on a formula. Formula is the only safe alternative to breastmilk in baby’s first 12 months of life. 

Doing a little formula research prior to baby’s arrival can be helpful should breastfeeding not be an option and you need to move to formula. Making sure you understand the basics of baby’s formula will assist you in making one of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make about your little one’s health and wellbeing. 

With so much information available, it’s easy to get lost and or confused with what you

need to know about the different formula types? Here is some useful information to get you started. 

Cow’s Milk Formula

Cow’s milk formula is the most common formula available and is also the most recommended formula type for babies under 12 months. Cow’s milk formula has vitamins, minerals and fats added and been modified to suit baby’s nutritional needs and digestibility.

Cow’s milk formulas come in stages and they are mostly referred to as Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4 Formula. Below is a general guide on what stage is appropriate for what age.

  • Stage 1 Formula – Suitable for newborns babies and up to 6 months of age, however you can use stage 1 up until 12 months old.
  • Stage 2 Formula – Suitable from 6-12 months old.
  • Stage 3 Formula – Suitable from 1 year old
  • Stage 4 Formula – Suitable for 2 years +

All cow’s milk formulas in Australia need to meet the strict Australian Standards and must meet a minimum quality and nutritional value in order to be sold in the Australian market.

Special Formulas

If your baby cannot have a cow’s milk, there are special formulas available.  They range from soybeans, goat’s milk or low-lactose or lactose-free formulas just to name a few and should be used under medical supervision.  Consult your paediatrician if you need to use a special formula for baby.

Tackling all the choice’s you’ll have with the many formula brands is another mind-boggling experience. At the end of the day, knowing what you are nourishing baby with should be top of the list. 

The primary ingredient for most formulas is milk. Infant Formula is made using 65% milk or milk by-products, so it’s important that the milk in your formula is the best. 

It all starts with the cow, how it is raised and what they eat, this will then determine the milk they produce. You see, cows are meant to eat grass only.  Not corn, grains or other bulk foods used in other farms. A cow’s digestive system is designed to eat fresh, green grass and only relatively recently have humans begun to feed them corn, grain and other bulking foods. This affects not only the cow’s health, but also the quality of the milk.

When you have naturally healthier, fitter more content cows there is no need for antibiotics, growth hormones and or  GMO’s.  Cows that are free from all of these unnatural chemicals and are 100% grass fed cows have high levels of Vitamin A & E and contain the proper balance of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty acids.  As the old saying goes, you are what you eat and that goes for cows too!

If you are considering formula, make sure that you add Munchkin 100% Grass Fed Toddler Formula to your research list. Munchkin 100% Grass Fed Toddler Formula has been developed with the primary focus on the milk that goes into their formula. They are passionate about what nutrition your child receives in their early years and only use 100% grass fed, grain free cow milk, they use only premium ingredients and are GMO, antibiotics, rbgh and palm oil free.   Made in New Zealand and endorsed and certified by the New Zealand Government Assure Quality and the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand ensure that a premium product is delivered each and every time.

For more information on Munchkin 100% Grass Fed go to: