Written by Feba Maryann  

Most toddlers are naughty, impulsive and stubborn almost all the time. As they grow, this might develop into more challenging behavioural issues that can be hard to manage. Even if it’s not be a huge area of concern during early developmental years, it is important to curb these issues so that they don’t develop into something worse. As a parent, it is your duty to identify these issues and implement some simple solutions.  

Let us now take a look at some common behavioural issues seen in toddlers. 


This is a problem that arises when your kid learns about independence and control. It’s common for toddlers to show defiant behaviour, but it is important to teach them self-control and discipline at an early age. At this age, they are still driven by their wants and needs. They might not know how to deal with the sudden surges of anger that rises within them when they don’t get their way.  

Here are some ways you can use to reduce the chances of the problem escalating to a serious issue: 

  • Validating your child’s feelings. 
  • Setting a limit and enforcing it without losing your temper. 
  • Offering the child some options. 


Screaming is a very common issue in toddlers. They could just be amused by the fact that they can shout and scream at such high decibels. It could also be a ploy into get you notice and shower them with attention. 

It’s your task to teach your child that screaming isn’t okay. Do not shout back at your kid. It will just reinforce the fact that shouting at somebody isn’t a huge problem. Stay calm, restrain yourself and try to talk them out of it. 

Physical Aggression 

Biting, kicking, throwing objects, tantrums are all part of a toddler’s daily schedule. This is mostly used as a way to get attention from others. However, in toddlers with conduct disorders, this may put other people in danger. Hence, it should be dealt with utmost urgency. 

The best course of action is to avoid responding to the tantrums. There are high chances that the aggression could fade with time. However, in the cases of toddlers with conduct disorders, it is best to contact a medical practitioner right away.  

If your child constantly throws tantrums, it is ideal to not shout back at them, rather do things that may help calm them or wait till their tantrum is over and then talk to them calmly.  


It might be hard to see your precious little baby tell fibs about not eating the cookie that was left on the kitchen table or not colouring the walls of the living room.  

Kids usually start lying when they start realising that you don’t know everything that happens. They are too young to understand the difference between telling the truth and lying. However, their mind is impressionable. The way you react to their lies is very important. Make sure you kid knows that you love them, no matter what they do. 

It is important to encourage them to tell the truth and prevent them from lying. You can achieve this by: 

  • Appreciating them when they say the truth 
  • Calling out their bluffs right away 
  • Emphasise on trusting each other 


Kids love to stick to monotonous routines. The smallest changes in their daily schedules can result in blown out tantrums and angry outbursts.  

However, they need to understand that change is good. At some point of time, their routines will have to change, and they will have to bear with it. So, get them accustomed to changes by tweaking their routines from time to time. Try not to argue with them, rather establish a connection and offer alternative choices to them.  

Some toddlers may turn out to be more defiant than the rest. They might not back down from getting what they want easily. Nonetheless, never give in. They need to realise that they might not always get what they want in life, they should be accustomed to adjustments and compromises.  

Behavioural issues are common in toddlers and can effectively be stopped with consistent and well-planned strategies. If your toddler doesn’t seem to respond to your strategies and their behaviour continues to be disruptive, you should consult a medical professional. A doctor can help identify any underlying conditions that might be the root causes of your child’s behavioural problems.