On Demand Care: How To Look After Yourself With A Newborn

By Jana Angeles 

You’ve been through nine months of pregnancy and you finally have your little bub in your arms. It’s the greatest moment of your life and one you’ll never forget. But hey, you’re forgetting someone just as important: You. When you have a baby, you automatically become selfish to yourself and prioritise them over you.

Naturally, that’s what all mothers do and who says there’s anything wrong with it? But it’s also important to give ourselves a little love and support from time-to-time. Raising a newborn isn’t easy and it can be quite stressful, especially when you haven’t got a clue on what you’re doing! Here are some steps you can follow to take better care of yourself while raising a newborn.

Take Care of Your Physical Health 

Eat right, get some exercise and most importantly, relax. After giving birth, your body may have undergone some major physical changes. In the first few weeks post-pregnancy, you’ve probably felt more tired than usual and have less energy for things you used to be able to do before having a child. Eating the right food while also doing simple exercises such as a light walk around the block for 30 minutes can immediately boost your physical health. It also provides a chance for you to have a little ‘me’ time and can help you feel a lot more positive about yourself.

Build Your Own Support Network 

Often after pregnancy, you may feel a little down sometimes. It can be isolating for mothers raising their newborns, especially because of how new and challenging it is. Having your own group of supportive friends and family can make things better for you in the long run.

It doesn’t mean having to force yourself out of the house to have some cheeky lunches with your girlfriends every week. It may just mean having someone there you can call at anytime if you have a moment to spare, just sharing details of how your day went. Having that support can help boost your self-esteem and can get rid of negative feelings and thoughts you had before.

Don’t Bottle Up Any Negative Feelings 

Having negative feelings is draining for anybody and to be honest, who needs it? Don’t spend time sulking around and feeling hopeless on your own. Be open and talk to your friends and family about it. And if you feel like it’s necessary, see a therapist if you need the extra privacy. It’s okay not to be okay, so cry if you have to. You’re only human and sometimes, feeling negative get’s the best of us. You’ll be surprised how venting can make us feel better afterwards.

Hold Off Any Major Life Changes 

It can be incredibly stressful to undergo major changes in life, especially after having a newborn. Talks of taking up a mortgage, car loan or job opportunity can make us mothers feel like we’ve lost control in our lives, so it’s best to hold off any major life changes until everything settles down with your baby. Besides, spending time with your little one is a priority already, above anything else. They’re only small for a period time so make the most of what you have with them. It takes a little sacrifice but it’s worth it!

As you can see, it’s not rocket science to take care of yourself. You are important. You matter and if you forget that, have someone there to remind you that you are amazing and doing what’s best for your baby. Being a mother has its rocky stages but if you take care of yourself and give yourself a little self-love, you’re already on the right path with motherhood. You are not alone in any of this. Remember that.