How To Have A Drug-Free Birth 

By Jana Angeles

Are you a mother considering a drug-free birth? Like most mums, you’re not alone when it comes to your pregnancy journey as there are many options to consider when it comes to the birth of your baby. Some might prefer a drug-free option because of the natural aspects associated with it, avoiding any hormonal or chemical imbalance that might happen when using drugs in the body. Though mothers will judge you on your choice, there is nothing wrong with choosing a drug-free birth. Of course, you need to prepare extra carefully if you plan on doing this so that the birth of your baby is as smooth as possible. So how can we make a drug-free birth less painful for us?

Remain Positive When It Comes To The Birthing Stage

Having negative feelings in general will weigh you down no matter what, so the best option for you is to remain positive while you’re enjoying your pregnancy. The last thing you want to do is be surrounded by opinionated people who discourage you from having a drug-free birth.

You have the power to create a positive perception of birth. Most movies portray childbirth as an excruciating experience but in reality, it’s not necessarily an accurate description. Remember, all childbirths are unique to each individual so if you want a drug-free birth, don’t let anybody stop you!

Don’t Be Afraid To Build Your Knowledge And Trust Your Instincts

Go back to basics and take time to learn about everything related to birth. Read books, watch videos or do research on the Internet. You can also attend classes and meet other mothers who can pass on knowledge to you if they have had a birth previously (bonus if they’ve had a drug-free one). Learning everything related to birth will help you be more sure of yourself and prepared for the big day.

You can psychologically prepare yourself by letting nature run its course and trusting your instincts when it comes to your body. We underestimate how powerful our bodies are, so don’t be afraid to trust what your body can do during childbirth. Most importantly, treat it with care during your pregnancy.

Plan And Visualise The Birth

If you’re a visual person, this will be an easy step for you! Planning how you’re going to approach your birth can be an efficient way to decrease any anxiety and stress associated with the birth. Imagining pleasant birth scenarios can help you keep on track and increase motivation in following through a drug-free birth. Make a dreamboard and put up pictures, which will help you feel peaceful and harmonious. This will help you be more confident in yourself and your decision for a drug-free birth!

Find Ways To Strengthen The Mind-Body Connection

There are a number of ways to strengthen the connection between the body and mind. Undertaking any of these will help you immensely with your drug-free birth. These include:

  • Meditation: When undertaking this method of relaxation, meditation allows the release of melatonin (a hormone released to regulate sleeping and waking cycle). Melatonin is only released during stressful times. Meditation can also produce an increase of endorphins and has powerful pain-relieving effects, similar to morphine. If prenatal women commit to meditation regularly, they will be less afraid of the pain associated with childbirth.
  • Yoga: This a popular form of exercise during pregnancy. Yoga is the combination of gentle stretching, relaxation and breathing techniques. One of the biggest perks of doing yoga regularly is that it builds stamina and relaxes the pelvis. It can also improve the wellbeing of mothers and help alleviate the pain associated with labour. Taking up some yoga classes can definitely decrease stress levels prior to the birthing stage too!

Depending on your preference, both meditation and yoga will provide adequate time for you to relax and be prepared for a drug-free birth. It will also help strengthen the mind and body connection, enabling a positive mentality during the birthing process.

No matter how much you prepare for a drug-free birth, be prepared for the unexpected outcomes when you start going into labour. Even if you are ready to not take any medical interventions, a complication during the birth can happen. Otherwise, by following the steps above, you’ll be right on track in preparing for a drug-free birth!