Written by Sheree Hoddinett 

Do kids ever listen? No really, do they?! I feel like I spend most of my time talking to the wall. Actually, I probably get more of a response out of the wall. I guess it doesn’t talk back or give me epic doses of attitude. I thought I would have more time before I copped the full brunt of a child being so rude and full on. But nope, apparently it’s happening whether I like it or not. And she’s only 7! I swear, I don’t remember being that rude to my mum even as teenager. But I’m sure my mum would politely disagree, haha!

I often feel like I don’t always make the right decisions when it comes to parenting. I know I yell when I probably shouldn’t. Swearing isn’t exactly ideal and telling my kids they can find a new family if they don’t like the rules really isn’t the best thing to say either. But kids, especially mine (I know they aren’t alone!), can be so infuriating. And it’s like they know when you’re already in a grumpy mood. Let’s see how far we can push mum before she completely snaps! Of course I usually always bite back, it’s something I do all too well!

With all that in mind, I thought I’d put together a list (some of it very much tongue-in-cheek, other bits might actually work) about what to do when your cherubs have you hanging on by a very loose thread:

  • If you can’t beat them, join them. No, seriously. When you’re at your absolute wits end and nothing else seems to work, just go crazy like the kids are. Drop everything and make a mess. Do all the sooky noises just like the kids. In the end, it quite often helps lessen the overall bad mood and creates a bit of laughter.
  • Sometimes it’s better to walk away. Or run! Whichever you can achieve with the most grace and dignity and your kids can’t catch you. Even better still, if you have somewhere they won’t find you for ages, hide. Make sure you take some good supplies (something tasty to eat and something delicious to drink) with you. Also make sure you have your phone on silent so they can’t hear it.
  • Don’t be afraid to use bribery. Food, money (be careful if they’re old enough to understand the true value of money!), play dates, trips to the beach or park. Really, whatever may possibly work to alleviate the situation. Although sometimes it can make it harder on you or create even more work, especially trips away from the house. Make the decision based on what will work best in your favour and get you the peace you need!
  • Put a movie on for them. Even if they have already been watching something or even if they have seen the movie a million times, give them a distraction. Give them snacks too. Do whatever works!
  • Send them outside to play and lock the door for a few minutes (make sure they don’t see, haha!). Secretly keep an eye on them while you enjoy a cuppa (or wine) and maybe some chocolate so the kids can’t steal it.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help, aka re-enforcements! Call a friend or family and get them to come over so you can run away. Just kidding! Sometimes a bit of fresh company can change the mood of both you and your kids. It could also go the opposite way so just be prepared for that too.
  • Last but certainly not least, completely ignore them. Yes, it’s rather childish behaviour and pretty much puts you on the same level as the kids, but sometimes it can have the desired effect. Be prepared for it to backfire as well and they end up annoying you even more. There may be no winners in this one but you can only try.

In the end, kids will be kids and you may end up ten or even one hundred times worse off than when you started but it’s worth a shot to see what happens right?! For more “entertaining” reads, check out my personal blog at www.shereekim.com. Until next time…good luck!