Written by Olivia Arrow
Toddlers are notorious for having power struggles.. They’re at that age where they’re starting to want to do things on their own, but they don’t really have the emotional maturity to handle it in a healthy manner. This can lead to tantrums, meltdowns, and a lot of frustration for both toddlers and parents.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your toddler’s power struggles, don’t worry you are not alone. It is a challenging time that most parents have to navigate. Here are a few tips to help you navigate through this tricky time.
Make Sure To Stay Calm!
When your toddler is losing their mind over something, it’s important to stay calm yourself. Getting angry or frustrated will only make things worse. So, take a deep breath and try to see things from their perspective.
Tips To Help You Avoid The Power Struggles
If possible, try to avoid power struggles with your toddler. Give your toddler choices whenever you can, and let them have some control over their environment. For example, instead of telling your toddler what to wear, you could give them two choices of outfits.
Setting Boundaries Is Key
It’s important to set boundaries with your toddler, but in a way that doesn’t turn into a power struggle. Just explain what’s okay and what’s not in a way they can understand, and be clear and consistent.
Being Consistent Works
One of the best ways to handle toddler power struggles is to be consistent. It’s a tough job, but if you give in once, they’ll just keep trying to push their luck. So, stick to your guns and follow through with consequences, even when it’s hard and sometimes it will be!
Don’t Give In To Those Terrible Tantrums
When they start throwing a tantrum, don’t give them any attention. Just ignore it and let them calm down on their own. It might take a little while, but they’ll eventually realise that throwing a tantrum isn’t going to get them what they want.
Rewarding Good Behaviour Is Essential
When they do behave well, make sure to acknowledge and praise your toddler and show them some love and appreciation. This is to help them understand what you expect from them and encourage them to keep it up. A little praise can go a long way in moulding acceptable behaviours.
Being Patient Is A Requirement
Dealing with toddler tantrums can be really painful, but just hang in there. With time and consistency, you’ll both get through this period and learn some new tricks along the way.
Here are some other tips to help you out:
Get Down to Their Level
When you get down on your knees or sit down low so you’re at eye level with your toddler, this will help you understand their perspective and communicate with them better.
Use Positive Language to Guide Them
Instead of telling them what not to do, why not tell them what you would rather them do? Like, instead of “Don’t hit your brother,” you could say something like “Hey, remember to be gentle with your brother, okay?”
The Emotional rollercoaster of parenting a toddler can test even the calmest of parents, it is hard work but just hang in there. It’s not easy, but it will all work out eventually. You both just have to keep trying and learning how to handle things better along the way.
Being patient and supportive of each other, you’ll get through this together. Just keep at it, and before you know it, you’ll both be pros at dealing with whatever toddler life throws your way.