Written by Sheree Hoddinett 
What happened to 2020? It’s certainly been an interesting year so far. And I say that loosely. Very loosely! If I thought my kids didn’t listen to me before, having them at home pretty much full time, means they don’t listen to me at all! I may as well talk to the wall, I get the same response. Actually I think the wall has some sympathy for me, haha! It’s a tough time for everyone. The whole world has changed on a level many of us have never seen before, let alone the littlest people in our lives. Suddenly they were thrown into a world of staying at home, playing at home, doing school at home and not seeing much of the outside world, just home, home and more home. It’s enough to drive anyone crazy, no wonder the kids have lost the plot and in turn, us parents too.
Yes it’s a chance to enjoy spending time together, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for that. But as many of us know, when your kids pretty much follow you everywhere you go anyway – to the toilet, shower, walking down the hallway or just to get a drink – some things don’t feel massively different, you just can’t take them anywhere else to escape all the craziness of home. I think I’ve heard the word “no” more times than I can count in the last couple of months and that’s saying something, given how well toddlers use the word “no” and my children are way past that age.
Admittedly they have coped a lot better than I thought they would, especially not being able to go to school and kindy or see their friends, except via video chat. Not sure how well I’ve coped with not being able to see my friends. I’ve probably had more wine and chocolate than ever before! But I am enjoying more time with my girls that I normally wouldn’t get. Yes I’d still like to hide from them when they go feral (every damn day!) but for the most part, things are pretty good. Imagine me saying that through gritted teeth at 10pm while I’m trying to get my children back in to their own beds for the billionth time. 
So what is 2020 teaching me as a parent? The art of patience? Hahahaha! That’s a definite no. I think my patience has worn very thin, if it existed at all. Maybe it’s there is a silver lining in all of this. Don’t worry I’m still trying to work out what that is exactly. That slowing down isn’t necessarily a bad thing, especially when it comes to your kids. Yes they drive us crazy (more times than we can count) and they don’t always listen (if at all) but don’t they have the best memory ever when they want something?! They can’t remember what I told them five seconds ago, but five days or even five weeks ago, that definitely rates a mention in their book! I’m sure we’ll look back fondly on these times one day and wish we could have more time like that again. Who am I kidding?! Haha!
I’m no expert when it comes to being a mum. I never have been and I most certainly never will be. I’m that mum that swears at her children when she’s frustrated with them, so however you do things, no judgement here! But we are all in this together, somehow surviving or just holding on by a thread. You do you and let everyone else do them. No answer is right or wrong, except when you’re answering to a toddler or a four or six-year-old (any age of children, really). They are always right, even when they are so so so wrong! But if you have friends with strong willed children, check on them regularly, we may not be okay. We were once the strong willed children and now we’re raising them, I believe they call that karma?! Apparently I received a double dose in the form of two very strong willed daughters, I think I lost my sanity a long time ago! Hahahaha, that was a nervous laugh.
On the flip side – there is one of course – surely this will make us all stronger in some sense. Whether that be from the constant running after naughty kids, exercise running from them or just stronger overall in the bigger sense of life, whichever works for you, just go with it! If you’re ever looking for more laughs, I know my parenting role provides plenty of them, head on over to www.shereekim.com, you never know what you will find. Until next time…