How to Manage Complex Feelings during Pregnancy

Written by Jana Angeles

Pregnancy is a challenging journey for everyone. The reality of being pregnant is that you will feel awful some days – like you can’t catch a break sometimes. Having another human growing inside of you is a tough gig and it’s frustrating to not be able to channel your emotions because you don’t want to be a burden to anybody. You will often feel like life is testing your patience some way or another. When you’re so used to being in control, sometimes going through pregnancy feels like you’ve lost it sometimes.

It’s important to remember that you’re human and that it’s okay to feel lousy about being pregnant. After all, with the added weight (excuse the pun) of your emotions, at some stage you need to put yourself as a priority and know when enough is enough. In this article, we explore some healthy ways where you can manage the complex feelings you may have during pregnancy:

Take a break

If you’re pregnant and working, it can feel like you’re running a marathon race. You can’t catch your breath because you’re working during the week and may have to take care of the nieces and nephews during the weekend. It’s important to recognise your limits, especially if you’re an introvert. It can be exhausting to keep busy so know when you need to step back and take a break. Even just getting a day off for work and doing something relaxing such as getting a facial can help you feel rejuvenated again.

Reconnect with your partner

Who says you can’t have a date night when you’re pregnant? Being able to have some couple time and ranting to your partner may be what you need to feel good again. It can be overwhelming to bottle your emotions, so talking to your partner and being honest about what you’re feeling could not only improve your relationship but will also have someone there to check you back into reality when you start to overthink or worry again. When pregnant, your mood may change from time to time so be prepared to know when you need time to just have fun with your partner. Sometimes being reminded of why you are in a relationship with them can help you feel less stressed and more supported in so many ways.

Remove yourself from stressful situations

Do you have drama happening in your household? A friend having relationship troubles and feels the need to constantly update you on the recent fight? Facing these kinds of scenarios may not be healthy for you and the baby. Removing yourself from stressful situations like this can help you feel more at peace with yourself and your emotions. It can be hard to separate your complex feelings when pregnant. You need to take care of yourself above all, so removing yourself from unnecessary drama can help make things less stressful for you. There are more important things for you to worry about.

Let it out

Whether it’s keeping a journal and writing how you feel each day or calling up a good friend who knows when you need cheering up, it’s important to be honest with your feelings and understand that you may be in the position where need to get things off your chest. It’s much healthier to let things out instead of letting them eat you up. Just remember that you are human and to know that you aren’t perfect. It can be tough trying to communicate how you feel, but the more you do it, the less likely you feel isolated with your complex feelings during pregnancy.

It is a challenge to be pregnant, so being able to take care of yourself first and foremost is important for the sake of yours and the baby’s health. Putting so much stress can add weight to your shoulders, so be sure that you are also in check of your own emotions and to always either turn to your partner, friends or family if you need somebody to cheer you up. Pregnancy is tough, so remember that everything isn’t rainbow and butterflies and that you’re just someone who has the right to feel.