Written by Feba Maryann 

Your baby develops fine motor skills from the moment they reach out for a toy. Early development of motor skills plays a vital role in the progress of your child for the rest of their lives. You can contribute to your baby’s development by giving them toys that foster STEM development. Earlier, our parents used hands-on activities like blocks and cardboard forts to keep us engaged. With the dawn of the digital age, play toys are slowly being replaced by box-like LED screens. We can’t deny the positive shift in education with integrated technology in classrooms and homes, but it also leads to kids using more of their hands and less of other body parts which leads to less dextrous control.  

Fortunately, fine motor skills can always be enhanced. You can help your children by providing them with toys that contribute to their cognitive abilities and motor skills. Keep reading to find out age-appropriate toys for your child which helps foster your child’s development. 

1. 0-3 Months 

Your newborn will start making movements that involve smaller muscle groups like hands and wrists. They will be able to reach out for dangling objects and shake toys. They go through sensory, motor and emotional development during this stage. It is crucial to select toys that involve sounds and contrasting colours.  

  • Colourful playpens with hanging soft toys help to keep your baby’s head in midline. It also improves your infant’s ‘reach and grasp’ ability.  
  • Reading out high-contrast animated books help with cognitive skills and speech development.  
  • Mirror toys help your little one to focus on objects which are within 8-12 inches of vision range.  
  • Rattles develop grip and tactile simulation 
  • Wind-up musical toys can help stimulate hearing. It also provokes your infant to make sounds.  

2. 4-7 Months 

Now, your infant will attempt to grab objects with a purpose and will be able to transfer objects from one hand to another. Everything within your little one’s grasp will mostly be teethed on because teeth start to erupt at this stage. The toys you choose should be large enough to not go through the mouth of your baby which could lead to choking. 

  • Teethers help cope with the tendency of your infant to put in all objects within their vicinity into their mouth.  
  • Soft toys build grasping skills. The smooth surface of soft toys will ease you from your constant worry of the baby hurting himself/herself.  
  • Toys that move when touched encourage overall movement and gross motor skills. 

3. 7-12 Months 

During this stage, your baby starts uses the pincer grasp. They begin to explore and learn more. Babies gain more control over their index finger. Movement becomes more controlled. Your toddler will be able to sit, pull, stand and crawl independently. They start scribbling, so make sure they don’t ruin your spotless walls!  

  • Blocks are a great way to enrich fine motor skills. Busy boxes also teach them about a cause and effect. 
  • Toys that have a peek a boo help with object permanence.  
  • Textured sensory balls promote tactile and gross motor skills. It can be used to calm your child and to improve coordination and crawling. 

4. 12-15 Months 

This period is an important milestone for your child’s cognitive development. They start adding words to their vocabulary and use words meaningfully. Babies within this age group will be able to stand independently, walk and discover their surroundings.  

  • Easy-grasp puzzles increase hand-eye coordination, receptive language and cognitive behaviour.  
  • Stackable cubes build up fine motor skills and help your child to relate spatial elements.  
  • Cause and effect toys engage your child whilst enhancing object permanence. 

5. Above 2 Years 

Engaging your toddlers 24/7 can be tricky as well as exhausting.  

Reading is essential for all age groups as it enhances speech and language development. Instilling the love of reading in a child will help him/her throughout his life. Toddlers start to exhibit developed vocabulary skills and numerical abilities. Make storytime interactive and ask your toddler questions about the book. As they become more independent, potty training books can help out with your bathroom issues! 

During this phase, toddlers have high levels of energy that need to be expended. You could buy a tricycle or an electric car to keep them engaged. Look out for physical activities that engage their muscles whilst building their motor skills like playing ball. The number of games you could invent with a ball is limitless.  

Use technology to assist with your child’s holistic development. Promote a well-balanced timetable of learning through play and using technology. Many fun preschool apps help toddlers improve verbal, numerical and problem-solving abilities. However, too much of screen time can do more harm than good. Be on the lookout for toys that spark your child’s creativity and imagination. You can always convert everyday household items into unique toys that keep your child engaged for hours.