Written by Feba Maryann   

It’s been nearly six months since Australia was forced into a nationwide lockdown and most of us are desperate to escape from the monotony of lockdown life. With hopes of obtaining a new vaccine by January, the possibility of interstate travel has opened up. Many states have given owner’s permission to rent places for tourists and many hotels are allowing pre bookings whilst following strict COVID protocols. However, it is hard to overlook the risks involved with renting a holiday stay as the risk of contact with COVID is significantly higher.   

Even if there isn’t a 100% fool proof method to stay safe, you can lower many of the risks by considering the following factors:   

  1. Rental History  

Be sure to check in the details of the previous guests. COVID can be transmitted by touching contaminated objects too. Make sure that the establishment only takes in guests from low-risk areas. The rental host should also have proper COVID procedures in place before renting the place to holiday makers.    

  1. Travel  

Travel is highly discouraged by the department of health because of the significant risks involved. Avoid using public transport as it proves to be a perfect breeding ground for infectious droplets. You are twice more likely to risk your family’s health if you opt for public transport. Even if you decide to travel in your car, it is hard to plan travel without making a pitstop for fuel or food.    

  1. Arrival  

Planning your arrival is equally important as planning your travel. You might have to quarantine for up to 14 days and at your own expense, so be sure to check with local health authorities for any restrictions that are in place. Opt for a non-contact check- in. Be prepared to clean the space you rent when you get there, you can never be too cautious. Choose digital payments, keys etc. Try to avoid any kind of service that requires direct contact like housekeeping services etc. Steer away from shared pools, saunas or any place that requires you to enter enclosed spaces with large groups of people. It’s best to avoid rentals with same day turnovers and one-night stays. Ensure your rental or hotel they have policies on health screenings and mandatory masks for all their staff.    

  1. Room Sanitation   

Check if the establishment follows the established guidelines on cleaning their rentals. You should know if they use PPE kits while disinfecting the rooms. Proper sanitation facilities should be kept in all public areas. Keeping a minimal time gap between accommodating guests is also anecessary, as droplets can stay in contaminated places for up to 2 days. Ask for a time gap of at least 4 days as airborne particles neutralise with time. The less they rent out their space, the less you are at risk. You also need want to make sure that they keep the health of their visitors astop priority. Air quality is another major factor. Your room needs to be equipped with filters in the ventilation system. If not, consider bringing a personal air purifier as droplets can also travel through central ventilation systems. Choosing a room with windows and a fan can be of great benefit as it reduces the chances of being exposed in a room with infected droplets.    

  1. Safer Stay  

While you are staying at the rental, you should do your best to minimise exposure to the primary contact. Always wear a mask along with gloves and maintain social distancing. Reduce the time you spend in less ventilated, shared places like the elevator. Avoid touching “high-contact” surfaces like door handles, dining tables, dining chairs and elevator buttons with your bare hands. If common rental facilities like gyms, pools and saunas are open, be sure to maintain social distancing and clean the equipment before and after use. Opt out of housekeeping services. If you opt to buy food or dine out, make sure the venue has proper ventilation and sanitation facilities. Bringing your own toiletries, pillows, and duvets is another way to keep you safe. Seal your personal belongings like your driver’s license, credit card and keys in a plastic zip bag. Bring enough masks, gloves, disinfectant, and wipes to last your stay. Avoid using common laundry services.    

However, even if you follow all these suggestions with due diligence, you can never be completely safe. Everything on this list will still not guarantee your safety from the virus. You need to realise that non-essential travel is risky. Ensuring that your kids follow social distancing at all times can turn out to be highly excruciating. Bottom line is, we do not recommend holiday travel at this time, we appreciate that it is need to unwind, relax and enjoy the new normal that we have to live with for the foreseeable future, so if you do choose to travel, make sure you do all you can to keep you and your family safe!