Written by Sheree Hoddinett  

How often have you muttered the phrase “I’m just a Mum” knowing full well you are more than that?! We all know there’s more to our lives than just being a Mum but it is possibly the biggest title we reluctantly give ourselves as our children rule our lives. Don’t get me wrong, being Mummy to my two beautiful girls is a big deal, but I know there is more to life than being their mum 24/7. But in all honesty I think I’ve forgotten what else I can be capable of at times and just give in. Don’t take that as giving up, I’ve done that at times, but more like resigning myself to the idea that my two little taskmasters require me to take the lead in their lives more than my own. Who am I kidding?! I’m a snack retriever/bum wiper/cleaner and every other title you can think of, that’s more than just being a mum, right?! 

I’ve often wondered exactly what type of mum I am. Which heading do I fall under? I’m no perfectionist so that rules that one out. I’m laid back but I wouldn’t call myself a casual mum by any means. Once upon a time I was a bit of a helicopter mum but I broke that typecast when I had a second child and pretty much let her fend for herself. I’m kidding, of course, I still look after her but she is more of a wild child than her older sister. I’m pretty sure she stacks it more than anyone and I’m guessing broken bone or at least stitches coming her way at some point. Fingers crossed it doesn’t happen of course! As for the title, I know I definitely won’t win Mother of the Year…ever! Bogan Mum maybe? Sometimes my appearance just oozes it but at least I’m comfortable! 

I know deep down I’m more than just a mother, but to my little girls I am their world so I am just mum to them. Except when they drive me crazy, so every other day really! When you become a mother, you don’t ever stop. You might lose a sense of who you once were, but it comes with the new territory. But one thing is for certain, don’t ever mess with a mother because they will fiercely protect their child, unless they fill some need to disown them in that moment. I have had that thought once or twice before, especially when copping some serious attitude, which is most days now I have a 6 going on 16-year-old who knows everything about the world! 

There are days I’m rocking the gig of being a mum and others where every step I take feels like it’s in the wrong direction and nothing goes right. Would I change anything? Absolutely. Which parts? I’m not really sure but there’s always something I could have done better. I yell when I really shouldn’t, but it gets the attention I’ve spent 10 minutes asking nicely for. I swear when my girls frustrate me and it produces a reaction. It’s just not as funny when I hear them say it (okay, maybe it’s a little funny) and silently curse myself for raising two miniature versions of myself. I live in hope that maybe one day I’ll get it right but for now it’s one day at a time, because they are only little for such a short time and it’s flying by! 

But if there’s one thing that frustrates me to no end is the constant competition between mothers out there – mums who work, mums who stay at home, mums who work from home (that’s me!), mums who juggle everything. Then there’s another category of single mums and those who have full custody of their kids and those who share (also another one for me!). There are times I’m told how lucky I am to actually get a break from my girls. Yep, I’m so lucky that I get to have them leave me for a number of days and nights at a time. Don’t get me wrong the kid free time has its perks (hello quiet time to work) but I also find that I miss them and I’m missing out on some pretty big stuff, all because of a situation that’s out of my hands. I’m not looking for sympathy, we all have our ups and downs, but merely pointing out that no one has an ideal scenario, no matter how you “mum” out there, we’re all dealing with our own stuff! There’s no secret we all judge each other, we are human, but we could all spend a bit more time being supporting each other as well! 

If you ever need a laugh or just to commiserate, follow the fun of my parenting journey over at www.shereekim.com. I can’t promise you sunshine and butterflies but definitely honest parenting at its finest! Until next time…always remember to hide the chocolate, you deserve it more than the kids!