Written By: Sheree Hoddinett

Kids. That’s it, blog over! No, I’m kidding, But sometimes when you’re talking to other people and that ask how your day is going, all you have to say is “kids” and they know exactly what you mean, no other explanation is needed. They are in some form, mini torturers, mind blowing monsters and cute little devils all rolled into one. So, why do we have kids? Other than to procreate and populate, I wonder sometimes. I’m kidding. There’s still that element of overwhelming love that takes over and damn it they can be sweet and cute too!

Kids really have no concept of time either. In their eyes, everything needs to happen this very second. I’ve often asked if mummy can just have a minute. Two seconds later, they’re at me again. Even getting ready to go out somewhere. If they’re excited, they’re already out the door before I’m even dressed. But on a school/daycare day, I’m losing my you-know-what just to get them ready on time. I swear some days I need a wine before 9am! Don’t worry I don’t go there, but I may have snuck some chocolate in just to get by!

Oh the emotions! Not me and I know I have enough of them. I know hormones have me crying at the drop of a hat for no reason but when it comes to the little ladies in my life, holy moly! I know it’s hard enough to explain what’s going on in my head at the best of times, so I kind of do get that they don’t always understand why they’re crying but I think it’s only going to get worse as they get older. Come the teenage years and I think we’re in for some big trouble, send help! 

I think one of the hardest things I’ve had to deal with lately is my eldest daughter questioning death, mine in particular. Don’t worry she’s not trying to write me off, just scared of what life would be like without her mummy around. The best I can offer is I don’t plan on going anywhere for a very long time. But I know I can’t promise anything especially when it comes to the longevity of life! Where’s the rule book on this one??!!

You know a manual of some kind would still not be enough to get you through the toughest of days with your darling offspring. Every child really is different. I see the massive differences between my girls all the time. I don’t like to compare but they do have similarities as well. Plus I quite often call them the wrong names anyway, they are the same child right? Blonde hair and blue eyes, it’s all the same! All jokes aside they are very different (split, haha) personalities who will no doubt take this world by the horns one day. Of that, I have zero doubts. At this point in time (aged 4 and 6), my youngest wants to be a firefighter and her older sister is considering being a teacher. Both are very awesome professions and I’d love to see where they end up, no matter what they choose to do. Let’s see how different the world becomes in the next 10-15 years especially when it comes to job roles.

I’ve said before I never really pictured myself as a mum until I became one. Even now, I have days where I’m not really sure I’m cut out for it. But I figure I must be doing something sort of right because my girls are turning out mostly okay. And quite often I get told by strangers or people who know my girls, how beautiful they are and how well behaved they are. We are talking about the same children here right?! They are beautiful, but not always well behaved, for me anyway. I know they aren’t terrors, but they definitely have their feral moments. It’s always a different story for someone else, isn’t it?!

I know life would be boring without my girls, I still wonder what I did with my time before I had them. I thought I was sooooooo busy with my job, housework and a social life, seriously??!! Now, I consider 5 minutes to go over my emails as heaven! Haha it’s always the little things! Check out more of my parenting life over at

And until next time, enjoy the peace and quiet when it arises, unless you have little kids, then you better go check it out!