Written by Feba Maryann

There are very few moments in life that can match the rhapsody and happiness of being pregnant. However, pregnancies come with their own set of difficulties and any pregnancy is challenging as it is.  

Usually, after the pregnancy period women go into labor near their due dates and deliver their bundle of joy. Then they leave the hospitals, going back to their lives with the latest addition to their family. But not all pregnancies are as smooth and some women experience what is known as a high-risk pregnancy.  

A high-risk pregnancy refers to a situation wherein there are potential complications in the pregnancy that could affect the mother, the foetus or both. Being diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy can be an overwhelming experience filled with anxiety and worry.  

Statistics show that 6 to 8 percent of all pregnancies are high risk pregnancies. Once diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy you may have to adopt lifestyle changes and be surrounded with a good support system. Here are some tips that will help you manage a high-risk pregnancy better.  

Understanding A High-Risk Pregnancy  

Pre-existing health conditions, multiple miscarriages, maternal age, foetal abnormalities are some of the various factors that go into deciding if a pregnancy is high risk or not. You must be aware of any conditions that you may have and understand the risk it poses.   

You should be clued-up on the symptoms of a high-risk pregnancy and seek medical attention immediately if you spot any. Common symptoms include harsh pain in the lower abdomen, decreased foetal movement, blurry or reduced vision, headaches, vaginal bleeding.   

If you think you may be at a high risk before getting pregnant, it is advisable to consult a pregnancy specialist to go through your options.   

Mental Health And Attitude  

Being diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy could trigger an irrepressible flurry of sorrow and mood swings. It is common for women to blame themselves for the conditions and fall into a pit of despair. But it is crucial that you understand you are not alone, seek help from your doctor if you experience any mental stress or extreme sorrow or feel any hindrance in completing your daily tasks.  

It is imperative that you try to stay calm and relaxed throughout the pregnancy period. Yes, being diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy could be very stressful and trigger anxiety attacks. You need to find ways to alleviate the negative energy, do the things you love even though everything seems downhill. Take a walk with your pet! Talk to your best person! Get some good food! You do you! These activities will help you find a ray of light in the darkness.  

Practice Self-Care  

Studies show that women with healthy lifestyles have significantly smoother and healthier deliveries than others. A healthy lifestyle does not mean you have to hit the gym 5 times a week and follow a fad diet. All you need to do is eat healthy, do light exercises regularly and get good sleep. Couple of habits you must do away with are smoking, drinking alcohol or doing drugs. By following a healthy lifestyle, you reduce the odds of potential complications.  

Your body is wiser than you think, listen to it. If you feel like you need rest, take it. If you feel something is off, consult your doctor. 

Get Support  

Communicate your needs with your support system and keep them updated on how things are going. Feel free to ask them for help when you need it. Based on your conditions, you may need to adopt lifestyle changes that may force you to let go of certain commitments and habits. Consider joining a support group to spend your time with people who have similar problems in a safe space.  

Consulting A Medical Health Professional  

A medical health professional like a gynaecologist or pregnancy counsellor will help you in coming up with an effective plan to better cope with the given conditions. Communicate openly with them and ensure that you attend all appointments.   

They also will advise you on what delivery method to choose to provide the best outcome for both the mother and the child.  

Managing a high-risk pregnancy can be a very emotionally draining ordeal. However, with the right mindset, good support, selfcare and a good medical team, you have a better chance of having a healthier pregnancy and delivery.