The Mummy Blog – Mum’s the Word
That’s it, I’m changing my name. Maybe to something a little less easy to say. “Mummmmmmmmmmy; Mummy, mummy, mummy; Mum, mum, mum, mum” (although I’m still not quite keen on this last one just yet). Yep, all three were on repeat for about an hour one night recently as my darling two-year-old daughter threw another tantrum.
I often wonder if daddy even enters her mind when she decides to flick the mood switch. I feel sometimes he gets off the hook a little too easy. But that’s possibly a story for another day.
Don’t get me wrong I love being a mum, it really is the best job in the world. Except for those lucky people who taste test chocolate and I’m still looking into that gig!
Being a mum has its perks, especially if little people kisses and cuddles are our reward. And let’s face it there is nothing better than a hug from mum, but when tempers flare and little feet stomp everything goes out the window. Rather than being hug-central, you become a target and you may as well paint a big red circle on yourself and be done with it. Incoherent sentences, expressive looks like a sour lolly is being chewed and for a short time even the postie is more exciting than you are.
Terrible twos are just another rung in the ladder of parenting and what also feels like another test to your parenting (also known as patience) skills. Let’s face it they don’t call them “terrible” for fun and there has been very little fun in our house lately. In fact, anyone would think a flock of angry geese had moved into our house considering all the carry on.
Who would have thought that tomato sauce needs to go next to and not on the sausage? Or that the middle seat on the lounge cannot possibly be sat on by anyone else other than dolly or teddy? And don’t even get me started on which shoes we must go out in! That’s just my shoes too.
But I keep trying to tell myself it’s just a blip on the radar. These testing times will be gone soon enough and we’ll move on to the next stage in our lives. However, I’m really not ready for a ‘threenager’ just yet. And then I’ll hear four little words that just melt my heart, “I love you mummy”. It can sometimes be accompanied by a tight hug or even a kiss on the cheek. Awwwwww…I’m even getting wistful just thinking about it.
How can someone so little in comparison to the world, have such a grip on your emotions? They always know how to hit you right where you’ll feel it the most and you’ll forget instantly that a book just hit you in the face or that your feet are stepping stones for their next destination. Everything will be at peace, well for at least 30 seconds until your toddler wakes the baby up…..again!
I never knew how much my life would change until I had children. Well I never thought I’d be taking part in a screaming match with a two-year-old anyway. Maybe I had this rosy picture (as I’m sure we all did in those pre-baby hormonal days) of sitting down (haha!) and enjoying every day with my beautiful well behaved child/children. Don’t worry I’m laughing on the inside too, if I wasn’t I would probably be crying.
Fast forward two-and-a-half years, and two children later, and life is certainly not that rosy picture. But admittedly I wouldn’t change….much of what I have done so far as a mother. I’m very much in the infancy stage of my role and still have so much to learn.
I do know that I wouldn’t be where I am or know anywhere near as much as I do without my beautiful mumma. She is my role model (although she would laugh at the idea) and I’d be lost without her, not to mention she is always there for a hug.
Whether you are mummy, mum, mumma or mother, you will always be that rock for your cheeky offspring. Yes, they’ll test or taunt you; make or break you and it’s likely they’ll hate you at some point. But deep down somewhere they’ll always love you, even if it is just so they can have their favourite toy back. Now, back to changing my name…
For more of my trials and tribulations follow me online at shereeechlin.com