Written by Liza John 

Motherhood is one of the most wonderful miracles of nature. It is a journey like no other, which starts even before the baby is born and continues till the very end of her life.  It’s cemented on love and sacrifice, among many other things. Through motherhood, the mother unlocks a new self of her that learns to put her child before everything else, and this child becomes the source of her fulfilment and joy. 

Being a mother is a full-time job. Often, we underestimate the responsibilities of being a mother. Be it the way she effectively handles both the household chores and attends to the needs of her child; the presence of a mother is integral to the way a child develops as an independent and empathetic individual.  

A mother plays a pivotal role in the life of her child. She shares a deep connection with her children which can’t be equalled by anyone else. Nothing remains hidden from her; even their silent words never go unheard. In times of hardships and distress, she is the emotional backbone they can rely on, and her guidance and support always shines through. She is also the perfect judge of her child’s personality and behaviour and ensures that they are brought up appropriately. She is solely responsible for creating a safe and healthy environment for her child to thrive in. 

There Are Different Stages of Motherhood: 

The Pre-Baby Preparation Stage

Which involves all the excitement and preparations required to welcome a baby into the family. In this stage, the mother usually experiences a roller coaster of sentiments and emotions. 

Then Comes the New Mother Stage 

Which usually occurs a few months after the baby is born, this is the stage when the mother has just settled down and is becoming aware of the reality and her responsibilities as a mother. 

The Pro-Mother Stage

By this stage, the mother becomes an expert in recognising her child’s needs, motherhood is a lot more fun now, she starts eagerly waiting for the little things like each time her baby reaches a milestone be it just smiling, rolling over, taking its first step, or saying the word “mama” for the very first time. It fills her heart with joy, and she starts to derive her purpose and satisfaction from looking after the baby. 

But you should always remember to never let these obligations take a toll on your mental or physical health or let it be a hindrance to your personal dreams, achievements, or career.  

Never hesitate to ask for help when you require it as these tasks may seem hectic at times, and it’s completely normal to accept help and advice from others, this will not only relieve you of your stress but also help you be rejuvenated and energetic for the rest of the day.  

Keep pursuing your interests and passions; allow taking time for yourself to do something that you like, try talking and reconnecting with friends and family if that helps. Prioritise your happiness and well-being as well because it’s just as important as your child’s.  

It’s ok to make mistakes, everything you do needn’t be perfect or done in a certain way only. Do whatever works for you, and that’s totally fine. Stop comparing yourself with others because you only see one side of theirs, and you are all different in your own ways with different strengths and weaknesses. 

Adjusting to the struggles of motherhood may seem hard at first but is at the same time a highly rewarding one, just remember that it’s all temporary, your child will eventually grow up and will be able to look after themselves. While trying to do what is best for your children, remember to take care of yourself and not lose all that you are in the process. Try balancing the needs of your child and the things that truly make you happy and content. Take time to relish all the happy moments with your little one and don’t let one of them go unnoticed.  

It’s an honour to have a mother and even more so to get the chance to be one. Enjoy this beautiful journey called motherhood to its fullest.