Written by Liza John 

From mobile phones and web-based entertainment to TV and tablet-based toys, the present children are continually immersed in technology. While youngsters and teenagers really must foster a fitness for technology, all things considered, a lot of technology use can impede their well-being.  

The adverse consequences run the range from obesity and lifestyle issues to social and behavioural problems. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you must get rid of tech altogether. Rather, you should know about the impacts that technology can have on children and foster methodologies to reduce their screen time. 

Childhood Obesity and Technology 

Kids now tend to spend less time outside doing physical activities, as they are usually stuck to their mobile phone or TV screens. Combine that with an increased affinity for junk food, what we have is a surge in obesity rates among kids.  

Kids will naturally tend to be more interested in watching movies or shows, playing video games, or casually scrolling through social media. As parents, we really must ensure kids are investing energy outside and stay physically active.  

If you have time to spare, join your children in outdoor games. You can mess around, playing tag, or get a pair of gloves and a ball to play catch, or toss a Frisbee around. This would also act as bonding time for you and your kids, and at the same time help keep obesity at bay. 

Negative Effects of Technology on Children’s Social Development 

Technology has changed the way we connect with our loved ones. Even as grown-ups, we are more inclined to send a text rather than make a phone call. Likewise, we frequently act differently online platforms than how we would act face to face. Such differences are not restricted to grown-ups. 

Children that spend a large chunk of their time on social media, have been found to suffer from low self-esteem. On social media platforms, we see highly curated content, this can cause distress especially in young children and teens as they often compare themselves to their peers. Thus, technology use can create social and behavioural issues in youngsters since it reduces the time kids spend interacting in real time. 

Make it a point to screen your kid’s internet use and know about the kind of sites they are visiting and the games they are playing on the web. Set up parental controls on PCs, mobile phones, and tablets to prevent any unwanted usage and protect them from potential trouble. Try to place the PC, gaming console, or television in a room where you can supervise your kid’s technology use.  

Technology and Attention Span

Kids today are wired for instant gratification. They have everything at their fingertips. Gone are the days when we used to wait a week for our weekly visit to the cinemas with our family or used to wait hours at a stretch listening to the radio just to listen to that one track. 

Mobile phones, tablets, and other gizmos, keep distracting us with notifications and sounds, making it difficult for us to focus on the task at hand. A study conducted has shown that ever since the use of technology has surged, the average attention span dropped from 12 to 8 seconds. 

To combat this, what you can do is restrict tech use when your child has a task at hand.  Say your child is doing schoolwork, strictly prohibit smartphone usage.  Encourage conversation and engagement at the dinner table. Urge your children to unplug, and take part in activities that don’t include screens, such as outdoor games, reading books, or solving riddles. 

Final Thoughts  

If you think your child is already addicted to technology and electronic devices, it might still not be too late to make some positive changes. Try to make time to spend with your kid and have some quality time one-on-one. Try to limit the amount of time your child spends on social media by setting up parental controls, tech-free zones, and time. Plan family nights where all of you put your electronic gadgets away and just spend time together, maybe signing karaoke or playing board games. 

Most importantly, be a good role model. How many times have you checked your phone when you were supposed to be spending time with your kids? Try to limit your phone usage around them and show them how to use technology in a healthy manner.