Written by Feba Maryann

Having a baby for the first time can translate itself as an experience loaded with both joyful and strenuous events. But it all doesn’t end just after you’ve given birth to your newborn.  The post-pregnancy period relatively needs the mother to be vigilant and requires her to be more cautious than ever. Having a pregnancy for the first time poses a wide range of things to be confused about and that includes the advice given on the warning signs newborns show. Having an eye on your child’s responses in a day-to-day routine can help you with a better insight into what is normal and what should not be taken lightly. Here are some things that you can check over to make sure your baby is as fit as a flea.  

Too Hot Or Too Cold!  

Fever can be one of the most significant signs that a baby can show to indicate anything wrong with their body. It is considered that having a body temperature over 38 degrees Celsius is too hot- and it is an alarming sign for you to rush with your newborn to the doctor. Likewise, if your baby has a body temperature less than about 36 degrees Celsius, then that’s your call to do the aforementioned too.  

Watch Out For The Trivial Ones   

Do not reckon all is well when your baby seems to show symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, or just crying a lot more. Though these signs may look trivial, it is fundamental that you visit the doc immediately if they prolong consistently.  

Relentless Cries   

Babies and crying go hand in hand but things may go out of hand once your newborn starts to cry relentlessly or even in a very strange, frantic manner. Notice these as warning signs especially when the intensity of their shrieks increases. Heed especially when groaning noises underline in their breath.  

Loss Of Appetite And Other Symptoms Related To Breastfeeding   

Newborns have a pretty much less sophisticated routine that just includes eating, sleeping, and pooping. And when it comes to eating, they have a frequent appetite, or more appropriately, they need to drink their feedings.   

But if you notice any difference in the way they drink, like not being able to finish what they are fed or just don’t feel hungry then chances are that your newborn might be feeling sick. Some babies even refuse to suck the breast milk or just weakly suck that too for not much time. Babies can even sweat so much whilst they eat. These are serious signs that again need the attention of a doctor.   

Unreasonable Fatigue And Physical Signs  

Though babies, especially newborns in their fledgling period, sleep a lot, some might outdo themselves by sleeping more than normal. It reaches a point where they don’t even wake up feeling the need to eat. This unreasonable fatigue is an example of how confusing it can be to tell if something’s wrong unless things fall out of the way.   

Similarly, though babies are known to have wobbly heads and ruckled limbs, it can be hard to tell if there’s something peculiar in the case of a change in muscle tone or colour unless the limbs turn palpably grey or blue. If the skin colour has a yellowish tinge in the beginning, then it can be a harmless case of jaundice, but if it persistently continues get alert!  Another physical sign to look for is abdominal distension, which may be due to constipation or some underlying intestinal malfunction.  

Dehydration In Newborns  

Yes! You heard it right, dehydration even occurs in children and things are harder for them because they still wouldn’t be physically independent enough to quench their thirst on their own. A few signs to look for are the decreased levels of urination which you can scale by witnessing a proportional decrease in the number of their wet diapers. Besides, if the baby has a dry mouth or has chapped lips, then you might need to up their water levels.  

Keep Calm And Ask Your Doc!  

Being nervous is quite inevitable when it comes to even the tiniest things concerning your newborn’s health. Some conditions may just be signs that prolong in the first few weeks and there’s nothing to get stressed about.   

Whenever you feel the dilemma of whether to take things lightly or not, keep calm and just have a chat with your healthcare service provider. Ask your doc about the signs to watch out for and tiny home remedies for them too. Besides, a doctor’s advice can always be more soothing and reassuring that all is well.