Written by Feba Maryann 

The Christmas season is usually associated with spreading kindness, showing affection, love and joy. We make plans, spend time together with our loved ones and do a bunch of Christmas activities. 

Amidst all of this happiness and warmth, the holidays can also trigger family spats and quarrels. Children who are prone to anxiety attacks and depression might find the holidays unbearable.  

Here’s what you can do to prevent anything from ruining the Christmas holidays with your children: 

Give Them Attention 

You may have to do a lot of extra chores, plan different activities and run errands during the holidays. It is tough to find the and attention your children need amidst your jam-packed holiday schedule. However, make sure to keep some time aside to bond with your child. Try to spend at least 15 to 30 minutes of quality time with your children. Ask them how their day was or read them something or even just play with them. This will help them feel connected to you, even when you are on a tight schedule. 

Think Before You Do Or Say Anything 

Amidst all the hectic work you do, you could be prone to emotional and angry outbursts for the silliest things your child does. Before you react to anything, take a deep breath and slowly count back from 10. This will reduce the chances of overreacting which prevents you from saying something you regret later on. 

Get Support 

Sometimes, your to-do list might seem overwhelming. Don’t hesitate to ask for help or support. It is not weak to ask for support, in fact it takes strength to do so. 

Get a trusted friend or family member to babysit your kids or help you with the chores. Talk to someone about your mental health and spend some time practising self-care. 

Dealing With Your Child’s Anxiety  

Some kids may exhibit anxiety when they see new people or experience certain changes from their normal routines. It is important to handle these issues delicately and provide your kids with the support and love they need. 

To help alleviate anxiety in your child you can adopt very simple steps like: 

  • Staying close to your child when in a crowd or around new people. 
  • If you think they are stressed out already, offer them choices and don’t force them to do something they dislike 
  • Hug or kiss them and be emotionally supportive if they are stressed out. 
  • Try to not alter their routines too much. 

Give your child some space and don’t force them to interact with strangers, let them interact if they want. 

Nice Or Naughty List 

It may be tempting to use this trick to manipulate your children into doing what you want them to do. It prevents us from actually understanding the child and causes us to overlook the actual problem the child faces. Parenting is more about guiding and supporting rather than trying to control or manipulate them. So, try not to take this shortcut to coax your child to do the right thing. 

The Four Gift Rule 

It’s Christmas, who wouldn’t love going on a shopping spree and get all the gifts they can for their kids, right? We’ve all been there, it’s fine. However, you need to understand that your child does not need all of these gifts. Some kids find it overwhelming when they receive a ton of gifts. So, the Four gift rule seems like a sensible choice to make. As the name suggests you buy four gifts, each with a specific purpose. One to satisfy the child’s needs, one to satisfy your child’s wants, one for your child to wear and another to read.  

You Don’t Have To Please Everyone

Christmas is when all of your extended family and friends all come together. It is nearly impossible to keep everyone happy and have everything go according to plan. Understand that Christmas is supposed to be special, not perfect. 

If for some reason something goes south, don’t panic or overreact. Focus on showing and explaining the real spirit of Christmas to your child. Don’t let a single isolated incident ruin the rest of the holidays. Christmas has a magic of its own, but don’t expect everything to be magical, set realistic expectations for the holidays. Take care of your kids and teach them what Christmas is truly about.