Rewarding lessons of Single Parenting

Written by Jana Angeles

Single parents may not receive the credit they deserve but it’s time to acknowledge them for the sacrifice and commitment they have when it comes to raising their kids alone. It’s not easy paying the bills from one source of income, nor is it possible to turn up at every single school event their children participate in. People may overlook single parents and how much they do for their kids to receive the best care and support possible. Even if it may be tough financially, there are rewarding lessons that need to be acknowledged when it comes to solo parenting.

Leaving a toxic relationship

A single parent may have been involved in a previous relationship that has caused grief upon themselves and their children. It is very difficult to leave a toxic relationship for some people because they may have stuck around, hoping they would change for the better. Many aren’t brave enough to go at it alone but some have enough courage to undergo separation from an ex-partner. It’s not healthy being in a toxic relationship and it affects the growth and development of children. Single parents who do decide to leave one know they are doing the right thing for the sake of themselves and their family. They won’t care if it will cause an uproar because they know that “staying together for the kids” isn’t that simple.

Teaching children responsibility at an early age

Single parents may not get the help they received prior to leaving a marriage or a relationship, so their children are taught about responsibility at an early age. It’s important to acknowledge that they are the ones teaching them about managing the household duties as well as being smart when it comes to living within their means. Single parents also set ground rules to ensure their children do the right thing, which may prevent any sort of rebellion coming from them.

Forming a close bond with the children

Forming a close bond with their children is a special one for those doing solo parenting. Single parents get to know their children and form deeper bonds with each other because they live closely and have gone through the challenges together. They are also extremely invested in their children’s lives and may take the effort and time in getting to know them better. In some cases, they may have shared custody with their ex-partner, only seeing their children on particular days so it’s important to recognise that they spend every moment with their kids whenever possible.

Being a courageous model

Believe it or not, single parents are seen as “victims” to some people. This is not true since they have had to work hard to support themselves and their family. They also had to undergo the pressures of living while trying to manage their physical and mental health for the better. Single parents are not perfect people and they may have been judged a lot for going at it alone. However, people don’t see that they need to have strength for themselves and their kids. They don’t care if people judge them or have opinions on what would work best for them – they just beat to their own drum.

Having resilience

It’s important to have resilience to survive life. Single parents go at it alone and they need to be able to progress and be the best version of themselves for their children. They aren’t made of steel and sure they will need support from loved ones and friends from time to time. Although, it’s their resilience that get them through the challenges of life. Single parenting isn’t about giving everything to the children, it’s about making sure the family feels supported and loved while also being thankful for what they already have. Resilience pushes people to do better and single parents are often quite resilient when it comes to the hiccups along the way.

There are many things to feel rewarded by when it comes to being a single parent. It’s easy to judge a person when it comes to their situation and people are encouraged to learn that everyone has their own story. There is no point labelling those who are solo parenting, nor do they deserve any scrutiny as such. If they are good to themselves and their children, providing the support and love they deserve, they are doing a better job than most parents out there who decide to stay together for the sake of their kids.