Should You Feel Guilty About Travelling Without The Kids?
Written by Jana Angeles
Ah, the parenting guilt. It always seems to follow you everywhere you go and now, you’re torn on whether or not you and your partner should go to Hawaii for a week like you planned without the kids. We all know how travelling with the kids has its moments of chaos and the logistics may seem complicated when you have two or more additional human beings to look after.
Whether you’d like to admit it or not, it’s nice to getaway from the kids for a bit and with some thought out planning, you could be on your dream travel destination without the kids. So, should you start feeling guilty about taking that “couples only” getaway? In this article, we take a look and explore the best case scenarios on why travelling without your kids could be a good thing!
An opportunity for couple time
When was the last time you and your partner had couple time? If you’re struggling to come up with a definite answer, then it’s been long overdue! Travelling alone with your partner can help both of you recharge from work and the chaos of everyday life. As parents, you do a lot for your kids and the hard work that goes into raising them shouldn’t go unnoticed. If both of you have been wanting to get away a while without the little ones, then now’s the time to start planning a long-awaited adventure together! You shouldn’t keep putting it off just because you feel guilty leaving the kids behind.
More ‘me’ time
If you’re an introvert, it can sometimes be draining to be around the kids, especially if they are loud and cannot stop moving. Travelling without the them can mean peace and quiet and more time to do relaxing things. You can also do some fun stuff you haven’t done in a while, such as taking a nice walk around the block, going on a solo brunch date or capturing photos of your surroundings. You begin to really make the most of your ‘me’ time and it gives you the opportunity to feel refreshed. It also provides the best form of self-care you never thought you needed!
A chance for the kids to bond with one another
Just because you’re leaving the kids behind, doesn’t mean they are missing out on all the fun. While you and your partner are away, this will give them the chance to bond with each other. Maybe it’s been a while since you and your partner have gone away but you just have to remember that it will give them time to get to know each other as siblings. If they are under the care of grandparents or other immediate family members, it will also give your kids time to get to know their other relatives better. They will definitely hear some wise and interesting stories!
Teaches them to be independent
Travelling with your partner alone is a great step for your children to gain some independence. Eventually when they get older, they will leave home and live independent lives. They will either be travelling, raising a family or doing adventurous. Travelling without your kids could help them gain confidence and give them the opportunity to learn new things on their own. With wild imaginations and some creativity, they may have created some awesome artworks, wrote their own story or learnt how to braid their hair while you were away. Just remember to check in daily just to see how things are when you and your partner are travelling. A follow-up call is always needed and it will give you a chance to miss them, even if they do make you a bit crazy at times.
You’re bound to feel guilty when you book those flights to your dream destination with your partner, but it doesn’t mean you should. Travelling without your kids has its benefits and it can range from your kids gaining some independence, more time to bond with your partner and taking advantage of some ‘me’ time. As parents, you deserve to go on a holiday separate from your children every once in a while because life’s too short to keep dreaming!