• Things That Freak Out New Dads! 

    Written by Lance Green  Just like all to be mothers, all to be fathers have a tendency to Freak the F*#K out! Rather than it happening while the baby is safely being kept in the on-demand hotel of their mother’s womb, that little switch for dads seems to be clicked on once the baby arrives. The fatherhood journey is the wonderful unknown, but once bub arrives, you wish you would’ve had paid attention during all those classes your partner made you attend.  Freaking out when becoming a new dad is more common than you think. Many a man has been clueless on the arrival on their child and has had…

  • What’s the Point of the Working Mum vs. Stay at Home Mum Debate? 

    Written  by Olivia Arrow  Becoming a mother takes you on an emotional journey that you’ll never quite understand until it happens to you.  For some mums, once they hold their baby for the first time, the thought of being separated from their precious bundle of joy seems like the cruelest act that parenthood offers.    For some mum’s out there, going back to work is a necessity. With life tending to be so expensive and household’s relying on two incomes to help with financial commitments, being a staying at home mum is a luxury that many of us can only dream about.  For others, as much as they love the child,…

  • Quality Education

    Written by Madeline Mitchell  What is quality education? Madeline Mitchell, owner of Hi iQ Tutoring Bondi and a parent herself discusses this topic with us! As a parent with a school-aged child/children, there is nothing more important than ensuring that your child receives a quality education. The problem is that once you drop your precious little one off at the gate and they line up and head into class, you’re not really sure what happens after that! Not only do you not know what happens inside the classroom, but you often don’t receive feedback from the school until the mid-year reports and end of year reports! So how do you know what quality education really is?…

  • Dealing with Peer Pressure and Bullying 

    Written by Karli Steenkamp  As parents, we need different skills for different roles and stages in our children’s lives. Parenting doesn’t come with a manual and when our children go through trying times, we want to fight their battles for them and deal with anyone that does them harm. The sad reality is that we need to teach our kids to be tough and stand up for themselves. Every child is going to encounter peer pressure or bullying at some point in their lives. Bullying affects about 27 % of Australian kids according to the National Centre Against Bullying. It is important to identify what is peer pressure and bullying…

  • Pregnancy and Healthy Relationships

    Pregnancy is a good time to work on nurturing healthy relationships. Strengthening your relationship now can help you manage the transition to the joys and challenges of parenthood.

  • Paul’s Story

    Paul* and his partner had their daughter prematurely at 32 weeks. Here he recounts his feelings about the hospital and birth experience, and the days and weeks after his baby’s premature arrival.

  • Living With Toddlers

    Between one and three years of age children move from being babies who need you to do everything for them, to becoming separate, independent people. They want your love and to feel safe and close to you, while also wanting the freedom to do things for themselves.

  • Cyberbullying

    Cyberbullying is any kind of bullying or harassment done using technology. It really sucks because it can be public, hard to take down, or affect you at home. There are a lot of things it could be, and it can affect people in a lot of different ways. Take 5 minutes to skill up on how to protect yourself.

  • Positive Attention and Your Child

    Parents have hundreds of interactions with their children on an average day. What really counts is making the most of this time — showing positive attention and enjoying those daily moments with your child.