• Getting the Balance Right with Co-Parenting

    Your relationship with your partner might have ended, but you’re both still parents to your children. It’s in your children’s best interests for you to figure out how you can both be involved in their lives.

  • sounds

    First Sounds

    When babies start talking, they tend to have a rapt audience: there’s nothing funnier or more adorable than a baby learning how to make her first sounds.

  • toys games

    How to Choose the Perfect Toys

    Toys and games for kids – how do you know what’s best? Finding toys that your child will enjoy and learn from is about understanding which play ideas suit which age. It doesn’t matter whether the toys are hand-made, pre-loved, ‘educational’ or expensive.

  • Daddy Blogger: The Warning

    Blogger Luke Denham is a single father drawing from his own experience and writes his blog not just for single parents or fathers, but for all parents.

  • tantrum toddler

    The Toddler Tantrum

    The classic scenario of the toddler tantrum.
 I’m sure we’ve all seen it... The screaming child, the frazzled parent, the disgruntled plane passengers or supermarket shoppers.
 Here are a few tips to try next time your wee one refuses to co-operate.

  • How to Help Kids Stop Wetting the Bed

    Nocturnal enuresis, the medical term for night-time bed-wetting, is actually more common among school-age kids than you might think. While many children are able to hold their urine all night by age 5, up to one in eight first- and second-graders are still dealing with this embarrassing condition.

  • The Apology

    As parents we sometimes lose it. I mean we have our own meltdowns, tanties, fits of rage, blow-ups, bouts of depression, crippling anxiety, and every other condition under the sun. In other words we're not always right.