The Emotional Challenges of Pregnancy

Written By Karli Steenkamp 

During your pregnancy you can have many mixed emotions whether it is a planned pregnancy or not. You may have been waiting for it for a long time, it might have come as a little surprise or it happened fairly quickly. From even before you know you are pregnant until after you have had your baby, your emotions can be all over the place. You are on an emotional rollercoaster. You can be happy one moment or wanting to cry the next. Luckily, it helps to be aware of these challenges, realizing what is normal emotions, and what is not. 

What are normal emotions? 

It is completely normal to feel different emotions several times a day. Surprise, joy, anger, fear and love could be a few emotions that you have. There are so many things going through your mind when you are pregnant, it is normal to feel overwhelmed. In the start of your pregnancy it can be very exciting. Reality setting in that you are going to be a mother can be a thrilling thought or one that makes you shake in your boots. If you are one of the unlucky ones that suffers from morning sickness, it doesn’t help your cause and can have an effect on your mood. Morning sickness usually stops by our second trimester. 

The reality of having a baby to care for can mean that you probably are assessing your life. Trying to figure out how a child will fit into your life. Making a few differences to your lifestyle can scare parents to be. Giving up smoking and drinking can be a very difficult aspect to deal with and can evoke different feelings.  

Preparing for parenthood, deciding on your birth plan, thinking about breastfeeding and antenatal classes you should or should not attend can be very overwhelming and it normal to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about all these choices. 

What causes these emotional challenges? 

The biggest culprits of these upside down emotions are hormones.  When you are pregnant, you will have an increase in progesterone and estrogen. These two hormones help your body and fetus to get ready for growth and delivery.  There are other hormones as well, but these two hormones especially have much higher levels than normal. They play a crucial role in your pregnancy and low levels of these hormones could be harmful to you and your baby. It is definitely worth it to get your levels checked by doing a blood test. 

What can you do to get your emotions under control? 

It is important to experience all these emotions. It helps you to deal with your fears. Although there is not much you can do for these raging hormones, you can try and alleviate the symptoms by doing regular exercise and eating a healthy diet. A good workout helps to clear your mind. Talking with your partner regularly about your fears as well as theirs help both of you understand and support one another through your pregnancy. It is good to know both of your concerns and what you are excited about.  

What if these emotions don’t get better? 

If these emotions persist and you feel depressed all the time, crying constantly, it might help to speak to your doctor to find out what is normal and what isn’t. Depression affects many women through their pregnancy and it can be treated. Other symptoms could be anxiety, irritability and short term memory loss. All these could be very normal for a short period of time but if it persists for more than a few weeks you need to speak to a doctor. 

All the different emotions you experience is different. Some women have more than others, so it is never a good thing to compare you to other women. Everyone is different, have different emotions and circumstances. Do research, speak to your doctor and get other mother’s advice. Know what is not normal. Never hide what you are feeling. You need to be healthy and in a good mind to be the best possible mother you can be.

Join antenatal classes, they deal with many questions you might have and you meet other parents that might have the same fears as you do. Make sure you have a support structure, someone you can discuss your fears with. Most importantly, remember different emotions is all part of the process and shows how much you already love your unborn baby. Trust yourself and feel, cry, laugh and enjoy the journey. 


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