Written by Feba Maryann 

After the trying times of COVID and virtual learning, the kids are going back to classroom learning. Sending your child off to school with their shiny new supplies and big smiles can be something so important in your life as a parent. While the virtual learning setting protected many from getting infected, parents, children, and even teachers missed out on the authentic school experience.  

Now that everything is gradually getting back to place, the back-to-school season is here. Maybe this time you might have to look for a sturdy facemask or remind your child about washing their hands, but apart from that, nothing is keeping your child away from spending a regular day at school. However, before getting carried away, here are some points to add to your back-to-school guide for parents this year. 

Get Organised  

Most of us let go of our rigid schedules and organising system during the quarantine. Attending virtual classes meant that your child probably kept all their belongings in whichever locations they found ideal. However, now it’s time to find all the scattered books, misplaced stationary, and dusty backpacks.  

Make the process simple and include your child in fixing up everything. Sit together and make a list of everything they need for school before picking up the items. Remember to find a way to keep your child safe from seasonal flu, allergies, and even the coronavirus.    

Motivate Your Child  

Truth be told, virtual schooling was not everyone’s cup of tea. Some students took to it easily while others struggled. Some parents may have found a system that works for their family while coping with the pandemic and the kids might not want to leave the comfort offered by this system.  

Whatever be the reason behind the reluctance to attend school, motivate your child to move forward and step out of their comfort zone. You can induce the interest to go back to school by telling them about all the friends they have not met in a while or the different things they will get to experience at school.  

Set Routines  

Online classes may have made room for some late nights or late mornings in the child’s schedule. And now, waking up early, grabbing breakfast, or getting ready for school may seem unnecessary to them. If your child is finding it hard to keep up with the school routine, make concessions that can help them. Make sure that the children get enough sleep to feel well-rested and have enough time for activities after school.  

If your child dislikes changes to their routine, avoid springing the new school routine on them. Start early by integrating parts of the routine into daily life so that your child can have time to adjust.  

Listen To the Little One 

No one can tell you better about their needs and wishes about going back to school as well as the children themselves. Be a source of comfort and support to your children so that they come to you when they face difficulties in making such a transition. Be it something regarding the morning routine, teachers, or even being bullied at school, look for ways that your child is trying to communicate with you without using words.  

Keep Calm  

Going back to school as the pandemic gradually comes to an end seems like an overwhelming idea. From having your child under your constant supervision and care to sending them off for hours for five days a week can weigh heavily on your mind. As you plan to send your children back to school, make sure to check in with yourself daily to ensure that your fears or anxieties don’t impact your child.  

If you feel the need, get in contact with the teacher or the parents of your child’s peers. This way you can stay in the loop and assuage any worries that pop up from time to time. Maybe consider meditation and do it with your child so that you can spend some quality time together.  

Final Thoughts  

Kids going back to school can be a cause for celebration for the parents but it also requires a tremendous amount of preparation. Enjoying the process and prep can be great for yourself and your child. Remember that the tone you set for back-to-school activities influences your child’s outlook as well, so stay positive.