Written by Feba Maryann
Just as the name suggests, a butter birth refers to a labour with minimal pain, no extra bleeding or tearing and a brief pushing stage. For mums who have had intense and long labours, an easy labour may sound dreamy. It sounds amazing to have a labour that’s less than 24 hours and hardly involves any pain.
Butter births? Is that even a thing?
Keep reading to dig in!
After a bit of research, I found that this term was quite descriptive. In the birthing world, a butter birth simply refers to any smooth labour with no complications.
I would rather have an easier birthing experience than listen to the bravery comments after I suffer through an excruciating labour.
These beautiful births do exist; however, it is important not to idealise it as not everyone will have a similar labour experience. This shouldn’t be expected by mums-to-be. Every labour is unique each with its own challenges and difficulties. However, you can always adopt strategies that help ease your labour. Here are a few tips you can use for a calm and peaceful birth wherever you have your baby:
1. Play Music
Personally, music gets me through almost every situation I’ve ever been in. A song has the power to instantly bring a smile to your face or move you to tears. Music can profoundly influence our emotional side. Studies have found that music helps in lowering labour pain and anxiety. It can also increase physical and mental comfort.
2. Aroma Therapy
Don’t you instinctively close your eyes and take a deep breath when you smell a calming scent like the smell of lavender?
The hospital-y scent might not be particularly relaxing while you prep for labour. Scent is strongly linked to our emotions. A soothing scent helps bust stress and transform your mood.
Research has shown that aromatherapy helps women feel more relaxed and experience less pain during labour. So, keep a bottle of your favourite essential oil in your labour bag to help boost your energy and relax your mind.
3. Get Comfortable, Physically
Remember to breathe. Yes, it might sound simple, but its oh so easy to forget. During labour, your uterus needs oxygen for all the excruciating work its doing. Ample amounts of oxygen is also needed for your baby to survive. So, whenever you inhale, visualise big doses of power being sent to your baby and uterus.
It can also take your mind off the contractions which in turn keeps you calm. You could also repeat a mantra between each breath. This helps instil a sense of confidence. Guided meditations also release tension in your body and help you find your Zen. You could start practising now to help it come naturally during labour.
Another thing to focus on is your movement. Every movement you make helps you create space for your baby to navigate her way down and out. It also decreases pain and speeds up labour.
4. Support
Having a person beside you to cheer you on can turn out to be quite helpful. It’s not just their presence that helps you stay calm, they can also serve as your advocate. They can help you communicate your wishes regarding your labour to your doctor so you can focus on giving birth. It’s important to talk to them beforehand about your choices and what’s important to you.
You can also hire a professional doula to help you out by providing non-medical support during the whole process. A doula has tons of experience dealing with birth and can help you cope with the changes.
Every minute during labour could make up for a lifetime of pain. It’s normal to feel intimidated by it. You could take birth classes to understand what exactly is going on. It gives you the awareness you need to make well-informed decisions.
Every birth story is unique and beautiful. All you have to do it is trust yourself throughout the whole process. Don’t listen to horror birthing experiences, try to focus on the good things. Remain optimistic and joyful till the end. Make sure you’re backed up with a friend or a relative who you can fall back on anytime.
Don’t worry, you’ve got this!