Why Dads Should Take Paternity Leave
Written by Lance Green
In society, it’s always expected that the mother takes time off work while the father earns money to support the family. However, it’s encouraged that all fathers, especially ones new to fatherhood consider taking paternity leave. Not only does it provide an opportunity for you to bond with your baby, you get to take some time off work and also support your partner during this journey. It will not only be beneficial for your baby’s health but it will also help shape a solid foundation within your family. Not convinced in taking paternity leave? Here are some reasons, which may help you reconsider…
It gives you time to ease into parenthood
As we have mentioned before in the past, parenthood is no walk in the park. It is tough for new parents especially because they’ll be getting used to a new routine. Babies need to have our undivided attention all the time. They need to be fed, bathed and nappy changes do occur from time to time. After a long day at work, you may not feel motivated to do anything other than eat food and watch TV. Paternity leave gives you more time to be with your baby and will help you ease into your role as a father without the pressure.
You start to build your relationship with your baby
It’s amazing how much you can bond with your baby once they are born, but could you imagine being able to hold them for a little longer and spending more time with them? Time really is the enemy and building a relationship with your baby isn’t going to happen overnight. If you are new to parenting, you are only scratching the surface of what it means to be a parent. Paternity leave can give you the chance to understand your baby’s cues and you will always be there to attend to their needs.
You get a break from work (kinda)
It can be tiring trying to keep up to speed with your baby, but paternity leave can be seen as a holiday for some fathers. Although you may need to be more alert when it comes to taking care of your baby, paternity leave does give you the time to be away from work. While your baby is sleeping for long periods of time, you can work on your hobbies and on other things you may not have time for on a normal workday. Even if you’re exhausted from taking care of the baby, you are still away from the workplace and you will slowly adapt to a new routine in your life.
It helps your baby’s development
Studies have shown that babies who spend their early days with their father have better cognitive development. From day one, you start to make a positive impact in their life. Even if there are days which really test you, you are beginning to make a difference. Playtime is a treat as you can share your enthusiasm while also engaging with them at the same time. Paternity leave offers the chance of being able to contribute to your baby’s development, which can help them down the track when they are older. Children need positive male role models too.
You are can support your partner
It takes two to tango and that’s what it should be when it comes to your relationship! This is important when you’re new parents as well because parenthood is a different ball game. There is no ‘I’ in team and being able to take time off to take care of the baby can help take the pressure off from your partner. Neither of you have super powers, so it’s only fair to share the parental duties together. Paternity leave also gives the chance to communicate with your partner better and to trust them more. Parenting can really test a relationship because it requires a lot of hard work, sacrifice and most importantly, love.
Overall, taking paternity leave has numerous benefits, beyond what has been discussed in this article. If you’re a new father and find it challenging to really connect and spend more time with your baby, take some time off and cherish it. This time round, it is normal for dads to take time off work and be there for their families, so why not take the chance now?