Written by Liza John 

Naughtiness and children are like bread and butter. But some tend to be naughtier, “the bad child” while some tend to be disciplined, “the good child”. 

Yes, all parents would give anything for their children to be disciplined good kids. Less hassle, lesser tantrums, helping you out with chores and requiring less effort to take care of good children are truly a blessing, right?  

On the other hand, bad children are loud, obnoxious, stubborn, and a true pain in the bum. Naughty children are going to leave you dead on your feet and sending SOS signals. Naughty children are sly and mischievous and are totally undesirable. They are going to grow up to be unruly, rude, unhappy adults who throw their lives away, aren’t they? 

Surprise, surprise, but apparently it can be a good thing if your child is naughty. Shocked? Why in the name of God would be having a naughty child be a good thing? Let’s find out how and why good parents are more likely to have naughty children. 

The Good & The Bad 

Let us take the case of two families, where one is the ideal good family with well-behaved, disciplined, and pleasant children. The second family is in stark contrast with the first one, the children here throw tantrums, make risqué comments, and ridicule their parents.  

In the first family, one may feel that everything is going well, and that things are out of hand in the second family. But if we put in enough effort to understand what is going through the child’s mind, we see a different picture.  

In the first family, the “good child” suppresses their innate naughtiness and has a whole range of emotions and feelings in them that they hide away, not because they want to but rather because they don’t feel that they have the option to. The child feels that their parents do not have the necessary resources or tact to deal with their anger, sorrow, or other emotions. Any criticism from an adult is hurtful and painful to them, so they choose to hide their emotions. 

Now, in the case of the second family, the child is self-assured. They know that their parents love them, and a tantrum won’t destroy that. They know that the bond with their parents is strong enough to withstand a few risqué comments here and there. The so-called “bad child” knows that they love their parents and parents love them unconditionally; they know that their dad won’t take revenge for being ridiculed. The environment in the bad family is warm and accepts the child as they are. 

The good child, is probably going to face difficulties in their adult life, arising from excessive compliance, a lack of creativity and inability to accept themselves for who they are. On the other hand, the naughty child is probably going to enjoy a healthy life which consists of resilience, failure tolerance, self-acceptance, and creativity.  

Why Being a Naughty Child Is A Good Thing? 

Naught Children Are Independent 

The word “naughty” is often used to describe kids who can think on their own. While in school, discipline and conformity is sought, the geniuses around us like entrepreneurs, scientists and artists do things on their own terms.  

They Process Their Emotions Better 

Naughty children, embrace their emotions and feelings, and understand where their behaviour stems from when they grow up. They are more likely to show healthy maturity about their emotions and feelings. They understand that emotions are an important part of their lives, and respect other peoples’ emotions and feelings. 

Others’ Opinions Do Not Matter 

Naughty children aren’t seeking approval or aren’t trying to impress others. They don’t fear failure and know that anything and everything has a solution. They aren’t scared of criticism or embarrassing themselves in front of others because they know that ultimately only their opinions about themselves matter. Furthermore, they aren’t afraid to follow their heart. 


These brats know that they deserve to be loved unconditionally and do not have to earn love through good behaviour. They aren’t trying to prove anything with their behaviour. If they are trying to be better, it is for themselves and not for anyone else. 

Final Thoughts 

The naughty children with their occasional tantrums and raised voices should be associated to healthy growth rather than delinquency. At the same time, be wary of the quiet ones that cause no trouble at all. Although exhausting naughty children can be fun too, years down the lane you’ll also get to roast your kids for their whimsical actions back in their days.